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Tadiandamol Trek: A Mesmerizing Expedition into the Heart of Coorg

Sughosh Perur
Tadiandamol Trek: A Mesmerizing Expedition into the Heart of Coorg

There is something profoundly exhilarating about trekking in Coorg, the picturesque paradise of Karnataka, India. And amidst the lush greenery and mystical landscapes, one trek stands out as a true adventure — the Tadiandamol Trek. Join me as I recount my thrilling journey to the summit of Tadiandamol, the highest peak in Coorg, where nature’s splendour awaits at every step.

Preparing for the Journey

My fascination with trekking in Coorg began when I heard about the Tadiandamol Trek from fellow adventure enthusiasts. Armed with determination and a sense of wanderlust, I packed my bags and embarked on a journey from Bangalore to Coorg, eagerly anticipating the experiences that awaited me.

The Scenic Drive

The road trip from Bangalore to Coorg was nothing short of enchanting. The drive took me through verdant landscapes, winding roads, and quaint villages that seemed to exist in perfect harmony with nature. As we approached Coorg, the air became cooler, and the aroma of coffee plantations engulfed us, further heightening our excitement for the upcoming Tadiandamol Trek.

The Base Camp

Our trek began from the quaint village of Kakkabe, which serves as the Tadiandamol Trek start point. The friendly locals greeted us with warm smiles, making us feel instantly welcome. With our trekking gear in place, we set forth, our hearts pounding with anticipation.

Nature’s Canvas

As we trudged through the thickets of Coorg, the beauty of the Western Ghats enveloped us. The trail was a mesmerizing blend of lush forests, babbling brooks, and vibrant flora that painted nature’s canvas in vivid colours. The chirping of birds and occasional sightings of wildlife added an element of intrigue to our journey.

A Test of Endurance

The Tadiandamol Trek is a moderate-level trek that demands both physical stamina and mental fortitude. The climb was gradual at first, allowing us to soak in the breath-taking surroundings. The air was crisp, and the silence of the wilderness was occasionally broken by the echo of fellow trekkers cheering each other on.

Embracing the Mist

As we ascended higher, the mist began to descend, veiling the landscape in an ethereal shroud. The trail became slightly challenging, with steep inclines that required us to dig deep into our reserves of perseverance. Yet, every step was worth the effort, for the panoramic views that awaited us were beyond compare. Coorg’s weather is as unpredictable as it is magical. At times, the rain would bless us with its presence, turning the surroundings into a mystical wonderland. We embraced the raindrops as we trekked, feeling rejuvenated with every cool droplet that touched our skin. Then, as if to reward our resilience, the sun would emerge from behind the clouds, casting a warm glow on the landscape, revealing its true magnificence.

A Triumph of the Soul

After hours of trekking, our excitement reached its zenith as we finally arrived at the summit of Tadiandamol. At 1,748 meters above sea level, we felt like conquerors of our own destinies, with the entire Coorg valley laid out before us like a sprawling tapestry. The view from the summit was awe-inspiring, and we couldn’t help but be humbled by nature’s grandeur. The rolling hills, the carpet of greenery, and the mystical fog dancing below made us feel like we were standing on the precipice of a dream.

A Moment of Serenity

As the sun began its descent, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, a sense of tranquillity washed over us. We sat in silence, absorbing the serenity of the moment, contemplating the vastness of the universe and our place within it. The journey back to the base camp was bittersweet, as we were sad to leave the majestic peaks behind but grateful for the unforgettable memories we had created.


The Tadiandamol Trek was not just a physical journey; it was a soul-stirring experience that connected us with nature in its purest form. Trekking in Coorg is a reminder of the beauty that lies beyond our urban lives, and the Tadiandamol Trek, in particular, leaves an indelible mark on the heart. It is a trek that challenges, inspires, and enriches the soul, urging every adventurer to embark on this expedition into the heart of Coorg and discover the true essence of nature. So, pack your bags, lace up your trekking shoes, and prepare yourself for an adventure of a lifetime — the Tadiandamol Trek awaits!

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Sughosh Perur
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