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Why Visit Now: Ancient Marvels of Mahabalipuram - Timings, Entry Fees, Nearby Places, and Activities

Why Visit Now: Ancient Marvels of Mahabalipuram - Timings, Entry Fees, Nearby Places, and Activities

Mahabalipuram is a place where you can witness the rich cultural heritage and history of India. You can admire the beauty and craftsmanship of the various monuments in Mahabalipuram, such as the Shore Temple, the Five Rathas, and Arjuna's Penance. 

These monuments are examples of the Dravidian style of architecture and sculpture, which influenced the art and culture of Southeast Asia.

 Mahabalipuram is a place where you can enjoy the natural beauty and scenery of the Coromandel Coast. You can relax on the wide beach, which has some beautiful rock sculptures and caves on its shore. You can also visit the nearby places like Crocodile Bank, Sadras, and Kovalam, which offer water sports, fishing, boating, and surfing activities.


The monuments of Mahabalipuram are open from 6 am to 6 pm every day. The best time to visit Mahabalipuram is from October to March, when the weather is pleasant and cool.

Entry Fees:

The entry fee for Indian nationals is Rs. 40 per person, and for foreign nationals is Rs. 600 per person. Children below 15 years of age are free of charge. The entry fee includes access to all the monuments in Mahabalipuram.

Nearby Places:

Some of the nearby places that you can visit from Mahabalipuram are:

Crocodile Bank: A reptile zoo and conservation centre that houses over 2000 crocodiles, alligators, snakes, turtles, and lizards. 


A fishing village and a Dutch fort that dates back to the 17th century. Kovalam: A beach resort that offers water sports, fishing, boating, and surfing activities. 


A beach resort that offers water sports, fishing, boating, and surfing activities. 


Some of the activities that you can do in Mahabalipuram are:

Shore Temple: A complex of three temples built on the shore of the Bay of Bengal. It is one of the oldest stone temples in India and has exquisite carvings of gods, goddesses, animals, and scenes from Hindu epics.

• Five Rathas: A group of five monolithic temples carved out of a single rock. They are named after the five Pandava brothers and their wife Draupadi from the Mahabharata. Each temple has a different style and design.

• Arjuna's Penance: A massive bas-relief that depicts the story of Arjuna performing penance to obtain a weapon from Lord Shiva. It also shows various animals, gods, sages, and celestial beings.

• Shop for souvenirs: You can buy some souvenirs from the local shops and stalls in Mahabalipuram, such as stone sculptures, seashells, jewellery, handicrafts, and paintings.

• Enjoy the cuisine: You can taste some delicious dishes from the local cuisine in Mahabalipuram, such as seafood, idli, dosa, sambar, vada, chutney, and filter coffee.

Visiting Mahabalipuram now offers a chance to embrace the timeless heritage of India's ancient marvels while immersing yourself in the serenity of its surroundings. Discover the art, history, and spirituality that echo through the ages as you explore this coastal gem. With mild weather and lesser crowds, the present moment presents an excellent opportunity to embark on a soul-enriching journey through Mahabalipuram's captivating attractions. So, pack your bags, embrace the allure of the past, and embark on an unforgettable adventure that will leave you with cherished memories for a lifetime.

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