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How can you verify the condition of your smartphone's battery?

Canadian Cell Parts
How can you verify the condition of your smartphone's battery?

Every Smartphone user eventually has a smartphone battery problem. The reason is that phone cellphone battery degrades over time from regular charging and eventually runs out faster than when they were first purchased. Don't worry; there might not be an easy way to confirm this on the Android version of your device. Experts address how to check the cellphone battery and battery condition and extend the life of your cherished device in this article.

How to assess the battery life of your Android phone

Unfortunately, Android doesn't come with a built-in feature that allows you to check the status of your phone's battery. To check the battery health of your Android phone, we have compiled some of the finest and easiest methods.

The menu "Settings"

Android smartphone's settings menu may be accessed to view the battery level. It should be noted that the data shown and the navigation options may vary based on your Android structure and version.

• Go to the Battery tab in the Settings application on your phone.

• Go to the Power section, click the three dots in the top right corner, and choose Battery Usage to get a list of the programs that have consumed the most power since the last charge.

• Touch the app's title and choose the appropriate setting to force the app to terminate.

Dialing code

Few people know that you may call a secret code consisting of digits, asterisks, and hashes to reach a hidden troubleshooting menu on Android phones. Here's how to use the Phone app on your Android device to check the battery information.

Launch the Phone app on your smartphone, then dial

For information on the battery's charge level, temperature, and health, looks under "Battery Information" in the test section of the menu that appears.

Unfortunately, the encrypted dial code approach won't function on your Android cell phone if you don't see the Battery Statistics option.

Using unofficial applications

The solutions described above don't provide complete details on your phone's battery health. Therefore, it is preferable to download and install a third-party program on the cell phone with Android for a thorough study. It will display your use, battery life, temperature, and more statistics.


Now that you know, you can check your battery health. If your cell phone health is at risk and discharging quickly, you can get the most genuine and powerful battery at Canadian Cell Parts.

Canadian Cell Parts
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