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Benefits of Study in UK?

Benefits of Study in UK?

Easier PR 

Getting a PR in UK after your studies is much easier compared to other study abroad destinations. International students can apply for Tier-2 visa once they complete their program. To become a permanent resident, the applicant should get an Indefinite leave to Remain Visa (ILR).  You can apply for this after completion of 5 full years of Graduate job.

World-class Universities

Apart from the excellent academic standards, the other major attraction is the presence of world-renowned Universities. UK is home to some of the prestigious universities which finds a place in top 100 in the world universities ranking. A practical approach and technology-based education makes UK universities stand apart from rest of the world. Even then, education is much more affordable and reasonable in UK when compared to US and Australia.

Excellent Student support

UK provides excellent support system to international students. It starts right from the Application process which is much simple as compared to many other countries.  Also, students are allowed to combine their subjects and build their courses according to their passion. 

Regarding part time work, once the term starts, students can work up to 20 hours a week. An ample time on the post study work visa is another major attraction of UK. International students can stay back for two years after studies to find a suitable job of their choice. 

Moreover, many universities provide internships and placements to students during their term breaks which will enhance their experience and it’s certainly a value addition to their CV.

Numerous Subject Options

UK universities offer a wide number of subject options to choose from. Whatever be your field of interest, you will find a course that exactly suits you from a UK university. The length and duration of the courses are also flexible. UK offers a lot of shorter duration courses too which will help students to complete their education faster without compromising the quality.

In short, UK is an amazing place to study and settle later as UK offers good quality of life along with top- notch infrastructure, standard of living and diverse culture.

Looking for popular Universities and programs in UK? There is a one click solution to simplify your search - Mystudia app. Find your college, select your program and put your application all in one go. To start and receive guidance at every step of your journey, download the app now.

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