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Car Rental in Greece: Types of Insurances

Cretarent Car Rental

Greece is renowned for its stunning landscapes, historic landmarks, and vibrant culture. To truly immerse oneself in the beauty of Greece, particularly the captivating city of Heraklion, it’s best to rent a car. Not only does this offer the freedom to explore at your own pace, but it also provides the convenience to reach far-flung scenic spots that are otherwise inaccessible.


A Heraklion car rental can truly enhance the Greek travel experience and give you the liberty to immerse yourself in its rich heritage and picturesque vistas. But what do you need to know about car rental insurance when travelling to Greece? Here are some things to note:


Why is insurance necessary for a car rental in Greece?

Insurance is a crucial component of car rental agreements in Greece, and obtaining a rental car without the bare minimum coverage is simply not possible. The primary objective of this insurance is to shield the renter from unplanned expenses that may arise in the event of an accident or damage to the car, particularly if the renter is deemed at fault. Each insurance option offers protection against different types of risks, which is why most rental agreements comprise multiple insurance options.


What type of insurance should you choose for your car rental in Heraklion?


·       Standard insurance - Standard insurance is commonly incorporated in your car rental agreement. It covers several aspects, including Theft Protection (TP), which safeguards against instances of car theft, although personal items within the vehicle are not covered. Another key component is the 'deductible', which sets the maximum financial responsibility of the renter, provided the terms of the agreement are adhered to. Additionally, it includes Third Party Liability (TPL), which ensures the renter, in case of an accident caused by them, with the insurance company covering the repair costs for the damaged party.


·       Extended Insurance - Extended insurance for your car rental in Greece comes in two varieties: those with a deductible and those without. The former, which is known as Collision Damage Waiver (CDW), is often included in the base cost of the rental. It requires the renter to pay any costs up to the deductible amount in the event of an accident, with the insurance company covering the rest.


On the other hand, Super CDW (SCDW) offers a lower deductible, potentially even zero, but it usually has a higher cost. Furthermore, there is a Full Damage Waiver (FDW), which eliminates any deductible, meaning the renter doesn't have to pay anything in the event of an accident (provided the terms of the rental and insurance agreements are met). Always clarify all details with the rental company when finalising the contract.


Choosing the Right Car Rental Company in Heraklion


Making the right choice of car rental company can significantly impact the overall quality of your travel experience in Greece. CRETARENT—with its over 40 years of experience, exceptional customer service, and comprehensive insurance options—is the preferred choice for travellers seeking a seamless journey. When you choose CRETARENT for your Heraklion car rental, you're not just hiring a car but ensuring a memorable and hassle-free travel experience in the heart of Greece.


About The Author:

Ioannis Kastrinais is a client representative at Cretaren, a renowned car rental Crete company with 40 years of experience providing rent a car in Heraklion, Chania, Rethymnon and hiring cars in Heraklion and Chania airports. If you are looking to hire a car in Crete, then you can visit  https://www.cretarent.gr/ car rental services in Crete.

Cretarent Car Rental
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