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International Students' Step-by-Step Guide to Studying in Canada

GoBest Immigration Services
International Students' Step-by-Step Guide to Studying in Canada

加拿大留学 (Study in Canada) is a dream for everybody. Canada is home to the top Universities and educational institutions in the world.

It has some of the top study programs in the world, as well as some of the world's premier research centres and educational institutions.

Canada should rank at the top of the list if you want to study abroad. Continue reading for a step-by-step approach to obtaining a Canada Study Permit. 

Understand the Requirements

To be accepted to a Canadian educational institution, you must first grasp the various requirements for institutions and the courses they provide.

Candidates must also carefully examine the regulations and laws governing the study permit application procedure.

You can prepare for the study permit, at least one year ahead. A renewed passport, proficiency in either English or French, proof of completing required language tests with minimal grades/bands would be required. Other than that, proof that you can fund your studies and the expenses of living in the nation are all typical requirements for all colleges and institutes.

Of course, requirements differ between provinces, so this process must be done carefully and methodically. 

Select a Programme of Study and Institution

The first step in selecting a college is determining its designation as a DLI or Designated Learning Institution. Only DLIs have the power to admit international students.

You must finalize a certain major course when applying for college in Canada. 

Take a Language Proficiency Examination

Each international student wishing to 加拿大留学 (Study in Canada) must demonstrate fluency in English or French. The IELTS is the preferred English proficiency test, while some colleges will accept the Cambridge English: Intermediate or TOEFL exam score.

You can take the DELF, DALF, or TCF exams for French, though the TEF is the most popular. 

Application to Universities

It is now important to contact the universities on your shortlist, collect the application packs, and complete them well in advance. The ability to apply to several universities might turn out to be useful, but you must consider the cost of the application, which ranges from $100 to $250.

Avoid applying randomly. Compare your selections, determine your favourite course to study and institution, and choose one or two backup possibilities. 

Obtain a Study Permit  

Now that you've found a school that will accept you, it's time to obtain a Canada Study Permit. You may apply online or in person at your nearest visa application centre. The application must be submitted with the acceptance letter from the University, a verified document of confirmation that you have the financial support to 加拿大留学 (Study in Canada) and a copy of your passport. 

In Conclusion:

The immigration official will decide on your request for a study permit after it has been reviewed and an interview, if necessary, has been conducted. If accepted, you can immediately begin organizing your journey to 加拿大留学 (Study in Canada).

Your permit will contain a beginning date, which is when the permit becomes effective. Remember that you will be able to enter Canada on this date. Make your plans accordingly.

For more details : https://goo.gl/maps/pTRGLpC9X9QtBaVP7

Simon James is the author of this article. To know more about 加拿大推出新联邦移民通道!这个夏天实施! (Canada launches new federal immigration channel! Carry out this summer!) please visit our website: gobestvisa.com

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