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What is the Use of stdio.h in C language?

Akshay Sharma

stdio.h is a type of header file in a program. While using the C programming language, you will encounter multiple header files on the source disks associated with your online C code compiler

If you are learning the nits and grits of C programming language, you must learn about stdio.h files. Hence, to better understand this header file, we have formulated this blog post. 

Start reading the blog post from the beginning to clear up your confusion. 

Overview of include stdio.h

In C programming language, the built-in header file is called the stdio.h file. The full form of stdio is Standard Input and Output. A header file or a stdio.h file in C language contains several macro definitions, function definitions, and three variables. These components are crucial in the C programming language's smooth input and output operations.  

Syntax of include stdio.h

The syntax of stdio.h in C looks like the following:

#include <stdio.h>

where #include acts as the preprocessor directory while importing or including a header file into the C program. 

What is the Use of include stdio.h?

As you have read earlier in the overview, stdio.h is a header file built in the C program. C programmers utilize this file or header file for the execution of input and output operations in their programs. 

Its library contains several functions and macros that help build a communication bridge between users and programmers. For example, scanf() and printf(). The function printf() displays the output, while the function scanf() receives user input. 

However, you will need a stream to attach the include stdio.h library with a physical device. In other words, a communication channel that bridges the gap between the physical input and output devices and a program is called a stream. 

For example, you will need a standard input (stdin) while reading input data from the keyboard. 

As mentioned earlier, include stdio.h library contains three variables and a plethora of macros and functions. Let's check out those components in the following part:

include stdio.h Library Variables

  • FILE

FILE is a data object. This object houses all the necessary information regarding controlling streams.

  • size_t

size_t is a data structure for unsigned integrals. It is the sizeof the operator's return type.  

  • fpos_t

Programmers use this data object while representing a position in the file. 

The library houses an array of macros. Let's check out some macros and their descriptions.

include stdio.h Library Macros

Macro is the name of any small code. stdio.h contains several macros under its umbrella. Some of the most used macros in stdio.h are as follows:

  • EOP

The full form of EOP is End of File. This macro consists of a negative number that shows the culmination of the file.

  • NULL

A null pointer is expressed with the macro NULL. It is a pointer that indicates a void. That is to say, it points to nothing.


This macro has a number that expresses the total number of files that a programmer can open simultaneously. 


When a programmer needs an integer to represent the biggest or the maximum size of a filename string in bytes, a FILENAME_MAX is used.

  • L_tmpnam

While FILENAME_MAX indicates the maximum size of a filename string by an integer, L_tmpnam denotes the maximum size of a temporary filename string with the integer inside it. 


setbuf is a function in the C program. BUFSIZ includes an integer that expresses the setbuf function's buffer size.


tmpnam can produce multiple file names. It includes an integer indicating how many distinct and unique filenames the tmpnam function may produce.

  • Stdout, stderr, stdin

These macros are the short forms of standard output, standard error, and standard input. In a FILE object, these macros act as distinct pointers. 


These macros are the short forms of Input Output Line Buffered, Input Output Buffered, and Input Output Unbuffered. The file buffering modes are defined by these macros in the C program. 


These macros locate and express the distinct positions of the files.

These are some of the common macros used regularly in the C program.  

include stdio.h Library Functions

This library contains over 40 functions contributing a fair share in an input and output operation. Some of them are as follows:

  • printf

This function expresses the data to standard output.

  • scanf

This function reads the input data from the standard input.

  • fprintf

The data is displayed to the stream by fprintf function. 

  • fscanf

The input data can be read from the stream using this function.

  • vprintf

Data is displayed to the standard output from a list of arguments. 

  • vscanf

Input data can be read using this function into a list containing arguments.

  • sprint

Programmers can write output using this function to a string. 

  • sscanf

This function can read from the output of a string.

  • snprintf

When a buffer has a definite size, this function is used to write output to that buffer. 

  • vsnprintf

Data from an argument list is displayed to the string using this function. 

  • tmpnam

This function is used to create a new file. However, the file created is temporary. 

  • tmpfile

This function can open the newly formed temporary file in the updated binary mode. 

  • rename

As the name suggests, this function is used to rename a definite file given to it. 

  • remove

Programmers remove a given file using this function in the C program. 

  • freopen

Programmers use this function with the assistance of a distinguished access mode to restart the stream. As a result, a new file or any existing file is opened. 

  • setbuf

This function distinguishes a buffer in a stream.

  • fflush

This function is used in a given stream to flush the output. 

  • getchar

getchar can bring the following character from the standard input.

  • putchar

Programmers use putchar to write a new character to standard output.

  • ferror

In a specified stream, ferror is used to check error indicators. 

These are twenty functions commonly used in performing an input and output operation in C.


This was a short discussion on include stdio.h in the C programming language. The blog post also mentioned a list of library variables, macros, and functions used for input and output operations. 

Consider this blog post as your stdio.h guide in the C language and master your C programming skills. 

Akshay Sharma
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