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How To Write The Best Thank You Letter For Donations with Examples

Olivia Watson
How To Write The Best Thank You Letter For Donations with Examples

Think of a time you told a person thankful you have been for their help or support. Whether you have asked or not, getting a helping hand is a whole new experience. Again, showing some gratitude for that same gesture is something you would never really want to forget.

Crowdfunding is that kind of space where people help each other during their difficult times. There are situations when some people require funds for a life and death situation aiming towards a stipulated time period, and there are people who need financial help for their business startups.

While fundraising for a non-profit organization or even for individuals, the base question always usually begins with how to get new donors. It’s the most common reason people think about doing fundraising for a cause. However, it’s also the most important part of the organisation’s finances.

Getting first-time donors is very important, but it’s also very essential to retain existing ones. One of the most effective ways to retain existing donors is by writing a thank you letter. Fundraising platforms allow everyone to raise money for their chosen cause.

And here we are to guide you on how to specify your gratitude on a piece of paper through a thank you letter for donations you received.

thank you letter for donation

Table of Contents

Why Do You Need To Write A Thank You Letter

There are two most important reasons why you should write a thank you letter for donations you received.

  • First is to remember that your donors are your knights in shining armour. Your donors helped you during your difficult times.
  • Second of all, your donors never ask for anything in return for their contribution. It shows how genuinely they cared about your cause and spent time understanding the viability of your cause.

Tips On How to Write A Thank You Letter For Donation

There are lots of ways to say thank you. But when it comes to writing a thank you letter, especially to someone you never met but were there when you are in need, there are some key points you should keep in mind.

1. Solely Thank Your Donors

When you focus on writing a thank you note, make sure you let them know how their contribution has made a difference to your cause. It helps them to understand that their effort was not in vain. Do not keep asking for more donations or promote your cause at any cost. Instead, thank them your heart out.

2. Give A Personal Touch

Your approach towards your writing can reflect your inner feelings. That is why the advantages of expressing gratitude are that the donor can sense closeness to others, and the way you could exercise the act of gratitude is your unique way.

Make sure to culture and celebrate small milestones of your fundraiser such that their arrival has never felt more cathartic, reversing and essential to the lasting of your cause.

Thank you letter for donation

3. Keep It Simple

Write a letter of appreciation for your donor’s gift that is simple and very clear on what you are trying to convey to your donor. While you raise money online for your cause through an online platform, your donors could be from anywhere in the world.

So writing complicated donation thank you letters to the donors might not be a good idea. What is the point of writing to someone if they won’t be able to understand your message?

4. Special Notes To Recurring Donors

If you spot your unique donors who keep giving you more than once, they are your special recurring donors, and you should take care of them in a different way. Donor retention is one of the most important things when it comes to fundraising whether for a nonprofit organization or any individual.

Write a different letter for your recurring donors, or you can add some extra lines of gratitude to the donation thank you letter for making them feel special. If you can manage to write and send a hand written note to your donor that can even add more value to your words.

5. Create A Template If You Can

It is totally fine if you are not able to send handwritten letters as nowadays we all have access to virtual media, and you can write your letter online. For online letters, to add your personal touch, you can create your own customised template for writing thank you letter for donation.

It is a great option to show your creativity and dedication towards showing your gratitude to your saviours through a colourful template. This will make them feel appreciated and encourage donors to engage in more charitable activities.

6. Special Letters For Sponsorships

If you want to understand the difference between donations and sponsorships, find our dedicated article on the same here. But let’s discuss how sponsorship can be a great advantage to your campaign and how you should thank them for their continued support.

Sponsorship is all about a big amount of generous donation. So the fundraiser must craft warm regards through their fundraising letters according to the donor’s contribution.

7. Mentioning Tax Receipts

Keep the donation receipts separate: The tax receipt email (or attachment) is a statement verifying the donation details, and some nonprofits or charities will send it along with the thank you letter. Unfortunately, this can come off as a little stiff and formal, so keep the tax details separate from your thank you letters.

Donation Thank You Letter Example

It is a great idea to address your donors by their names if possible to acknowledge them for their fundraising efforts. You can also consider sending a handwritten note to your donor for their generous gift if you want. If your donor is anonymous, then you can simply address them as sir/madam being formal while keeping your personal connection intact.

Thanking people shows that you don’t take them or their generosity for granted. Donor Thank-You Letter Template Later in this article, we’ll give you some specific examples of appreciation letters for your generous donors.

Ensure you exhibit your emotion through the letter and be honest with your contributors. Here is an example of a perfect thank-you letter for donations to guide you through –

Dear [Donor],

We are thankful for your generous contribution to our [cause]. We have been striving for our [cause], and we achieved [the goal of your fundraiser] due to your collective efforts. We [name of organisation] cannot applaud you enough for your little gesture and want to make sure that you know how big of a difference you made to our cause/lives. 

[Write more about the cause and how your donor influenced you]

In Case Of Recurring Donations [Thank you for being an ongoing monthly donor. Having monthly donations helps us with the budget as we can plan a bit better. This past year, we have been able to provide used cars to three families and cover their auto insurance for one year.]

Your support is priceless to us; thank you again! If you have any questions about our fundraiser, please be sure to reach out to [contact]!



[Name and title]

donation thank you letter

How do you write a Thank you letter for donations?

Here is a sample donation thank you letter to guide you:

Dear [Donor],
We are grateful for your generous contribution to our [cause]. Thanks to your collective efforts, we’ve worked hard for our [reason] and achieved [your fundraising goal]. We [organisation name] cannot thank you enough for your small gesture and want to ensure you know what a big difference you made to our cause/life.
[Write more about the cause and how the donor influenced you]
Your support is priceless to us; Thank you very much again! If you have any questions about our fundraiser, contact [contact]!
[Name and title]

How do you write a thank you letter for generosity?

Follow these simple steps to write compelling thank-you letters for your kind supporters:

  • Let them know how their donation has made a significant difference.
  • Give it a personal touch.
  • Keep it simple and straightforward.
  • Create a template if you can.
  • Remember to mention tax receipts.

What is an example of an in-kind donation thank you letter?

Here is a sample donation thank you letter for in-kind donation to guide you:

Dear [Donor],
We are grateful for your generous in-kind contribution to our [cause]. Thanks to your collective efforts, we’ve worked hard for our [reason] and achieved [your fundraising goal]. We [organisation name] cannot thank you enough for your small gesture and want to ensure you know what a big difference you made to our cause/life.

[Write more about the cause and how the donor influenced you]
Your support is priceless to us; Thank you very much again! If you have any questions about our fundraiser, contact [contact]!
[Signature] [Name and title]

What do you write when giving a donation?

Express your gratitude to collaborators with personalised thank-you letters. Start with a warm greeting, express sincere thanks, be specific about their contribution, share outcomes, include personal anecdotes, discuss future collaboration, and end with a friendly closing. Handwritten or printed letters add a personal touch.

How to write thank you note for donation to nonprofit?

A thank you letter typically includes the following parts:

  • Salutation
  • Opening paragraph expressing gratitude
  • Specific appreciation for their contribution
  • Mention of the impact or outcomes
  • Personal connection or anecdote
  • A sincere expression of gratitude
  • Closing paragraph reinforcing appreciation and potential future collaboration
  • Formal closing and signature.


Finding donors during hard times is delightful, and keeping those contributors intact is even more critical. When you register your cause and start your fundraiser, make sure that your cause is worth people their time and do not take advantage of their benevolence. You should write a Proper thank you letter for donation.

Always remember to express gratitude as it can have a lot of positive impact on your cause. Either as an organisation or an individual, you are entitled to be transparent about your cause and how you are using the funds through online fundraising platforms.

Donation Thank you letter

Start With WhyDonate

Start your fundraiser through WhyDonate and gather donations for your cause. WhyDonate allows everyone to register their cause and fundraise without any hassle. You can follow a few steps and raise money for your fundraiser without spending anything at WhyDonate. With help of WhyDonate you can easily write thank you letter for donation to your donors.

Once you start receiving donations, engage yourself in writing the donation thank you letters for the gratification of the donors. The more you show your appreciation and remind donors that they are part of your success, the more they will feel connected to your organisation and they’ll want to keep supporting you!

Olivia Watson
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