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LED Drivers: All You Need to Know

Wellforces Ltd

An LED or a series of LEDs is powered by an electrical device called an LED driver. An LED circuit cannot function without it, and if one is used without the other, the system will not function. Because a high-power LED's forward voltage (Vf) varies with temperature, using one is essential to preventing damage to your LEDs.

The voltage required to make current flow across a diode is known as the forward voltage. As temperature rises, the LED's forward voltage decreases, increasing current consumption. This is sometimes referred to as thermal runaway, and it happens when an LED starts to burn out because it keeps becoming hotter and consuming more current.

The LED Driver is a self-contained power supply with outputs customized to the electrical properties of the LED(s). This helps prevent thermal runaway because the Constant Current LED Driver keeps the current constant while powering the LED.


How Do Drivers for LED Lighting Work?

The forward voltage requirements of an LED change along with its temperature. It uses more energy as it grows hotter because less voltage is required to pass current through the LED. When a temperature rises out of control and destroys an LED, it is called a thermal runaway. LED Lighting Drivers are designed with power output levels that can handle the demands of LEDs. By responding to variations in the forward voltage, the driver's constant current maintains a constant temperature.


Constant Current Drivers for LED

Constant current drivers for LED are made to have a fixed output current (mA) and a specific range of output voltages. A predetermined supply of current, which is often specified in milliamps (mA) or amps (A), is necessary for LEDs that are rated to operate on a constant current Driver for LED Light. These drivers allow current to flow continuously through the LED system by varying the voltage along an electrical circuit.

Although LEDs with higher current ratings are brighter, if the current is not controlled, the LED will draw more current than it is rated for. Thermal runaway is the term used to describe excess current that exceeds the maximum drive current for LEDs and causes premature burnouts owing to increased temperature.

The ideal technique to drive high power LEDs is with a constant current driver since it keeps the brightness level constant across all LEDs connected in a series.


Advantages of Using Constant Current Drivers for LED Lighting

It is in your best interests to use constant current drivers whether creating your own fixture or working with powerful LEDs because:

  • They stay well inside the maximum current allowed for the LEDs, preventing burnout or thermal runaway.


  • They make it simpler for designers to control applications and contribute to the production of lights that are brighter all the time.


Constant Voltage Drivers for LED

Direct current (DC) output voltage is the only one for which constant voltage drivers are intended. The two most widely used constant voltage drivers (also known as Power Supplies) are 12VDC and 24VDC. The amount of input voltage required by an LED light that is rated for constant voltage is typically specified.

Standard line voltage (120-277VAC) is fed into a constant voltage power source. This is the kind of power that generally comes out of your home's wall outlets. This alternating current voltage (VAC) is converted to a low direct current voltage (VDC) using constant voltage drivers. No matter what kind of current load is applied to the driver, it will always maintain a constant voltage.

Be it quality drivers for LED lighting or LED Power Supply, you will find them all at Wellforces Ltd.


Advantages of Using Constant Voltage Drivers for LED

Only when using an LED or array that has been designed to take a given voltage, you use a constant voltage LED driver. This is useful because:

  • The design and installation engineers are significantly more accustomed to the technology of constant voltage.


  • These systems may be less expensive, particularly for larger-scale applications.

For quality LED Drivers, you can visit the official website of Wellforces Ltd.

Wellforces Ltd
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