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How to Verify and Rebuild Data in QuickBooks Desktop?

How to Verify and Rebuild Data in QuickBooks Desktop?

QuickBooks is an impressive software which reformed the arena of accounting. With its effective features of par excellence, QuickBooks is a software has made accounting, financial management and payroll processes quite easy. 

Intuit presents to famous in-built features: QuickBooks Verify Data and Rebuild Data utility. Many errors occur while using the QuickBooks software and QuickBooks discrepancies occur, which is why the most widely recognized feature of Intuit is to Verify and Rebuild Data Tools. In this tech blog, we will know in detail how the rebuild and verify data files features work in the QuickBooks software.

Why are the Verify and Rebuild Features Used?

  1. Occurrence of fatal errors in the QuickBooks Desktop.
  2. Balance sheet reports doesn’t show accounts.
  3. Transactions are not being processed.
  4. To perform a proper data check to make sure that the company file is devoid of errors.
  5. In order to report discrepancies regarding invoices and bills.
  6. Deposited payments are displayed in the Payments to deposit window.
  7. Lists need names.
  8. Inability to reboot windows.
  9. Not proper starting and frequent logging off of the QuickBooks.
  10. Slow response time of the computer, specially the mouse and keyboard inputs.
  11. Freezing of computer while working.
  12. Errors being displayed on the QuickBooks screen.

Procedure to Verify the Company File Data

  1. Choose File > Utilities.

  1. After choosing Verify Data. 

  1. Rebuild your file if you receive the message that your data has failed the integrity check. If you are done, then be sure that there are no issues with the data.

Procedure to Rebuild the Company File Data

  • Choose File > Utilities.
  • Choose Rebuild Data and press OK. This closes all the windows.

  • QuickBooks asks to create a backup before rebuilding the company file. If you don’t want a backup, choose cancel and click OK.
  • Select OK once rebuild is done.


Procedure for Manual Correction of Errors

  • Backup your company file.
  • Find the list of all the error message and the ways to troubleshoot the errors in the Verify Results window.


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