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Top 5 Courses to Learn Spring Boot for Java Developers - Best of Lot

Ishita Juneja
Top 5 Courses to Learn Spring Boot for Java Developers - Best of Lot

Keeping up with the latest technology is not just advantageous but also essential in the field of Java programming. One framework that sticks out in 2023 is Spring Boot because of its efficiency and simplicity. 

The demand for extensive and easily available learning resources has increased dramatically as Java developers turn more and more of their attention toward this potent platform. 

In this blog, we will learn about the top 5 Spring boot courses available. We will also delve into the features and usage of JS online compilers.


What is Spring Boot?

An open-source Java framework called Spring Boot is used to quickly and easily develop production-quality, standalone Spring-based apps. It is a component of the more extensive Spring Framework, an enterprise Java development framework. 

Spring Boot is unique because it prioritizes convention over configuration, is easy to use, and requires little preparation to get going immediately.

Features of Spring Boot

  • STS makes it simple to get started with development by offering project templates for building Spring-based apps.

  • Provides smooth project creation and configuration assistance for Spring Boot applications.

  • For Java, annotations and XML linked to Spring, intelligent code completion and content assistance are provided.

  • The Live Beans Graph is a real-time visualization tool that helps with application architecture knowledge by showing Spring beans and their dependencies.

  • Makes dependency management easier by downloading and configuring JAR files automatically from Gradle or Maven sources.

  • Maven and Gradle build systems are supported natively, giving developers easy access to manage project dependencies.

  • Improves readability and simplicity of change for Spring configuration files (XML or Java Config) using a graphical editor.

  • A specialized dashboard is used with rapid access to several endpoints for managing and tracking Spring Boot applications.

  • AspectJ integration allows developers to work with aspect-oriented programming in addition to Spring apps.

  • Run and debug unit tests inside the IDE with easy integration with JUnit.

  • Provides assistance for Spring Data initiatives, facilitating developers' interaction with diverse databases and data sources.

  • Provides pre-installed support for the well-liked Java-based web application templating engine Thymeleaf.

  • With integrated servers for both, developers can launch and test applications straight from the IDE.

  • Full support for controllers, views, and configuration, as well as code completion, validation, and content assistance.

  • Integrated database technologies that make it easier to manage and query databases and engage with data sources.

  • By providing support for Spring Security, developers may effectively incorporate security features into Spring applications.

  • Integration with Spring Cloud projects that makes it possible to create microservices architectures and cloud-native apps.

  • A real-time code metrics display that offers information on the complexity, maintainability, and quality of the code.

  • Sophisticated refactoring tools that let programmers securely rename, extract methods, and alter code in various ways.

  • Tools for creating RESTful and SOAP web services, including the ability to design using contracts first.

  • It makes it simple to move between classes, methods, and resources, which increases development efficiency.

  • To find and address problems in the codebase, use error/warning markers and static code analysis.

  • Creating and implementing data microservices through integration with Spring Cloud Data Flow.

  • Docker integration for containerized Spring application development and deployment.

  • The IDE's extensible design enables developers to install unique plugins that improve their capabilities in accordance with particular project needs.

Top 5 Spring Boot courses

1.Java Spring Boot Training - Faculty from IIT & Stanford

Experience exceptional Java Spring Boot training at Coding Ninjas, guided by distinguished faculty from IIT and Stanford. Our comprehensive course ensures top-quality education, covering 8 Java basics to advanced Spring Boot applications for all skill levels. 

Engage in practical exercises mirroring real-world scenarios, building confidence for complex projects. Benefit from interactive discussions, Q&A sessions, and industry-relevant projects, enhancing your learning through active participation. 

Enjoy continuous personalized support from our faculty, ensuring a smooth learning journey. Upon completion, receive industry-recognized certifications, validating your skills and boosting your employability. Join us for a transformative learning experience in Java Spring Boot.

2. Spring Boot for Beginners

Nelson Djalo's spring boot course is notable for its effectiveness and lucidity. This course is a treasure for people who want to understand the principles quickly. It employs a practical approach, walking students through creating a RESTful web service. However, before getting started, it's advised to have a fundamental grasp of Spring ideas.

3. Learn Spring Boot in 100 Steps - Beginner to Expert

Ranga Karanam, a renowned Spring framework instructor, presents a spring boot course that caters to beginners while delving into advanced topics. From auto-configuration and Starter dependencies to in-depth coverage of the Spring Boot Actuator, this course leaves no stone unturned. Participants also gain expertise in testing frameworks like JUnit 5 and Mockito.

4. Creating Your First Spring Boot Application

This introductory course provides a comprehensive understanding of Spring Boot architecture. Participants embark on a journey of building a demo application, exploring features like Spring Initializers and starter POMs. The course emphasizes modern Java web application development, RESTful services, and Spring MVC integration. By mastering property externalization and Spring Boot auto-configuration, learners gain valuable insights.

5. Master Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud

This course, which is designed for seasoned Java developers, focuses on cloud-based apps and microservices. Participants go on to more complex subjects, including client-side load balancing, dynamic scaling, and fault tolerance using Hystrix, starting with building RESTful web services using Spring Boot. The training also covers Swagger documentation approaches, which improves participants' knowledge of cloud-based Java applications.

What is a JS online compiler?

Writing, testing, and debugging JavaScript code straight from web browsers is made easier using a JavaScript online compiler. It is perfect for novices and experts because it can be accessed from any device with an internet connection. 

These platforms make coding easier by providing real-time error detection, syntax highlighting, and user-friendly interfaces. By experimenting with different libraries and frameworks, developers may encourage variety in their coding practices. Additionally, they are frequently used in education to provide evaluations and coding tasks. 

These compilers are helpful for employment process efficiency in the computer sector by providing real-time code evaluations. All things considered, online JavaScript compilers are indispensable resources for learning, practising, and evaluating code.

Features of JS online compiler

  • JavaScript code may be instantaneously compiled without requiring any preparations or installs.

  • Simple interface that makes it simple to enter, change, and run code.

  • To facilitate prompt debugging and repairs, view real-time output and errors.

  • Work seamlessly from any device by saving and accessing your code online.

  • Code highlighting for better comprehension and readability is known as syntax highlighting.

  • You may quickly and easily provide code samples to others for help or collaborative work.

  • Offers support for many JavaScript versions, guaranteeing interoperability in diverse settings.

  • Helps find and correct code errors by displaying unambiguous error messages.

  • Perfect for novices, this tool allows for practical instruction and JavaScript experimentation.


In conclusion, JS online compiler revolutionize the field of coding by offering an approachable environment for exploration and education. Meanwhile, Spring Boot courses provide thorough instruction on Java web services, including database connections, RESTful and SOAP integration, and contemporary frameworks. 

By bridging the knowledge gap between theory and actual application, these tools and courses guarantee developers are skilled in developing software for the real world.

Ishita Juneja
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