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Responsive Web Design Meaning, Benefits and Tools


In this modern digital era, having responsive web design services is essential for any business that wants to grow over its competitors in both online and offline markets. But before getting into the main aspects of responsive web design services, let us know a bit about Responsive Web Design.  

What is Responsive Web Design?  

A responsive design is a web design that helps create a site which can expand or contract as per the size of the screen. It is viewed on the desktop, notebook, smartphone, tablet, etc.  

If you want your website to reach many users, it should be a responsive website. According to a Google survey,65% of the users won’t return to the site if it has poor mobile accessibility. So, don’t miss out on that 65%.   

Moving on, let’s throw some light on the benefits of responsive web design.  

What are the Benefits of Responsive Web Design?  

Though there are several benefits of responsive web design services, we will discuss the primary five benefits in this section.  

Let’s dive in!  

  1. Responsive Websites are Highly Flexible: Responsive web design websites are highly adjustable, which means all the content will quickly load across all the devices and screen resolutions. Just as the liquid takes the shape of the container very easily and speedily once poured in, responsive web design’s fluidity also achieves the same result with the website content on any device screen.  
  2. Responsive Websites Increases Sales and Conversion Rates: Another major benefit of the responsive web design is that the user can have an improved site experience. A consistent user experience will positively affect your conversion rates as people are known with navigation or sites or system use across the devices. Responsive web design removes some barriers that can put multiple sites forward, i.e., in functionality, performance, and consistent look and feel.  
  3. Responsive Web Design Saves Time and Money: The major benefit of a responsive website takes less time than creating an additional mobile site. Testing several websites also increases your development, support, and maintenance.  
  4. Responsive Website Design Recommended by Google Itself: You might have heard that google always matters! That’s right, it does.! Google stated that responsive web design is recommended for mobile web design. The main reason behind that the responsive web design sites have one URL and the same HTML; it makes it easier and efficient for Google to organize the content in a categorized manner.  
  5. Responsive Web Design Services Provides Excellent User Experience: Responsive web design is all about providing an excellent user experience even though they are using a computer, mobile, tablet, etc. Everyone can use responsive web design, be it a professional or a college student. With web design responsive, the readers would no longer have to scroll or resize the page as you will have a responsive website design.  

Now, when we are familiar with the meaning and the main benefits of responsive web design services, let’s talk about the tools you can use for your responsive web design.  

What are the Tools for Responsive Web Design?  

This section will discuss the top 4 tools that you can use for responsive web design. These tools will provide flexible images, responsive typography, web page layouts, and testing and cross-browser support. So, let’s get started.!  

  1. Grid set: Gridset provides web designers and developers with custom grid-based layouts for their projects. You can create any grid according to your requirements. It also works with different content management systems like Joomla, Drupal, and WordPress and works with infamous graphic applications like Photoshop and Fireworks.  
  2. Adobe Edge Inspect: When you are looking out for your web pages how they can look different and through different devices, then Adobe Edge Inspect is the right tool. With Adobe Edge Inspect, you can preview the presentation of your responsive site as it can be viewed on iPad, iPhone, and other devices. You don’t need to have several different devices to view the location on these various platforms.  
  3. Bootstrap: Bootstrap is an excellent front-end website development platform that offers many essential components for developing efficient and effective websites. It is the most popular HTML, CSS, JS framework for developing responsive, mobile-first projects on the web.  
  4. Export Kit: Export kit tool can create a design in Photoshop and see it becoming a full-fledged website or an application. Moreover, the Export kit covers the gap between your project and your code by immediately converting your Photoshop file into HTML, CSS, JS, WordPress, Android, and whatnot.  


In the end, we can say Google itself recommends responsive web design. It offers one website to provide a great user experience across many devices with different screen sizes. There is a responsive web design company in the market which provides customized responsive website design for your websites. 

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