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EOS Blockchain | A Beginner’s Guide to DApp Development

arslan siddiqui
EOS Blockchain | A Beginner’s Guide to DApp Development

The goal of EOS Blockchain development is to provide a decentralized operating system that can enable decentralized application development on an industrial scale.

The following two statements are what caught the attention of the public:

  • They intend to abolish the transaction fees altogether. 
  • They appear to have the capacity to carry out millions of transactions per second.

So, let's explore what's behind this hype. We'll talk about everything about EOS in this guide.


EOSIO or EOS is a platform for developing blockchain applications for the real world. Built for both public and private use cases, EOSIO is flexible to encompass a wide variety of business requirements across industries with rich roles-based security privileges, industry-leading acceleration, and secure application execution. Because developing on EOSIO embraces the common architectural patterns and programming languages used by existing non-blockchain applications, developers can leverage well-known and cherished development resources to create a seamless user interface.

Must-have Features for DApp Development

In the mainstream audience, many variables can make or break a dApp, and EOS has ticked some of the primary checkboxes to boost its popularity.

The following list usually comprises the main success factors for every dApp:

A Large User Base

A dApp platform must be flexible enough to use easily and simultaneously by millions of users, without facing any performance issues.

Free Usage

For end users, a distributed application (dApp) on any blockchain platform ought to be free and easily upgradeable. Any type of transaction fee would eventually discourage users from coming back to the dApp.

Low Latency

To have a good user experience, a dApp will run with the lowest possible latency.

Parallel and Sequential Performance

A dApp on any blockchain platform should offer the ability of parallel processing to distribute the workload and save time. In addition, the dApp ought to permit several consecutive performances in order to prevent mistakes like double-spending.

Key Features of EOS Blockchain


Visa handles 1667 transactions per second while 193 transactions per second are handled by Paypal. In comparison, Ethereum performs slightly better with 20 transactions per second, while Bitcoin only manages 3–

4 transactions per second.

The explanation of why blockchain-based systems are unable to quantify so many transactions per second is because every node in the network needs to reach a consensus for something to move through.

EOS says they can easily measure millions of transactions per second, as they use DPOS or the distributed proof-of-stake consensus mechanism. We 're going to discuss the DPOS in a moment.


The entire network of Ethereum had come to a standstill due to the DAO attack. All stopped and because of the hard fork, the group was divided.

Since EOS uses DPOS in their environment this is unlikely to happen again. If a DAPP is inaccurate, it can be frozen by the elected block producers before the system is looked after. In essence, this is just an expansion of the DPOS system, and chain maintenance is not the responsibility of every node.


EOS enables well-defined permission levels by integrating features such as the interface creation web toolkit, self-describing interfaces, self-describing database schemes, and a declarative permission scheme.

Decentralized Operating System

This feature is perhaps the most important feature for really knowing what EOS is all about. Speak of a crypto-economic reward for MacOs / Windows. Today, Ethereum is a supercomputer decentralized, with EOS positioning itself as an operating system. That by itself theoretically makes EOS a more focused product.

Less energy consumption

EOS is a much less energy-consuming platform compared to other consensus algorithms, with DPOS being the consensus framework for validating transactions.


The governance in EOS is established by creating authority and choice of law, combined with mutually agreed laws. It can be done by the legally binding Constitution. To essentially bind the users to the constitution, every EOS transaction requires the hash of the constitution to be attached to the signature.

Parallel Processing

EOS allows smart contracts to be processed in parallel through horizontal scalability, asynchronous communication, and interoperability. Let's get deeper into each of these terms:

How EOS Blockchain Works

EOS is somewhat close to Ethereum in its ability to host dApps and increase the number of transactions that

the network can handle at any given time. Within the analysis of the blockchain, it strengthens its place because it increases the scalability. To boost its viability, EOS blockchain uses a new consensus model, called Delegated-Proof-of-Stake (DPoS).

This operates on a model of ownership where consumers can own and use resources that are proportional to their stake rather than pay for and transaction that helps reduce transaction fees. This allows the user to hold a certain percentage of stake and build freemium applications. EOS also allows its users to rent other developers or assign their share of resources.

Advantages of EOS Blockchain

  • EOS comes with user accounts with a full-featured authentication method, various permission rates, and user data protected locally. Installed in the framework was recovery for compromised accounts and restore access.
  • EOS has a server hosting and cloud storage feature added to encourage developers to build and deploy applications and access bandwidth from the EOS network. Staking EOS tokens can be used to access analytics directly from EOS and set limits for specific applications.
  • Using consensus over events that concentrate on transactions, EOS will scale to one million transactions per second. Nodes check the sequence of events so far happening through this.
  • EOS app does not allow users to send messages and perform tasks on the blockchain through micropayments. App developers will agree on their monetization plan and transaction fees individually.
  • Thanks to the governance model, the group will actively update and repair bugs in apps in a safe manner. This model is based on block producers capable of verifying which transactions are true.
  • EOS maximizes efficiency by constructing each block that allows us to send and respond to messages and transactions within and between single blocks.

At present, EOS or EOSIO is the most widely used blockchain platform in the world. Decentralised systems that are based on Blockchain all offer services that have practical benefits. EOS leads the charts not only in terms of gaming and gambling apps/software creation but also for a wide variety of other applications for uses such as ride-hailing, music streaming, activity monitoring, digital payment, and more.


EOS dApps have become easily quicker and more accessible alternatives to conventional blockchain apps. Trends indicate that EOS is a real proponent of blockchain technology and will have a significant impact on a wide range of business requirements in the years to come.

We hope that this EOS article has given you a thorough understanding of the various aspects of blockchain technology in EOS and EOSIO. If you have a business case for a dApp that can be introduced using EOS or you would like to collaborate with a blockchain expert to further grow a nascent concept, please contact us and our team will support.

arslan siddiqui
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