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What Are The 5 Types Of Lighting In Interior Design?

Design Worlds
What Are The 5 Types Of Lighting In Interior Design?

Looking for the perfect lighting option for your dream home? You must have a look at the terrific types of lighting sworn by the best interior designing company in Bangalore, like CeeBee Design Studio. Let’s learn about them in detail:

1. Ambient Lighting

This kind of lighting is often needed in any area so that people can see and move around quickly. This is the evenly dispersed general lighting needed for an area's general illumination in interior design, much like natural light. Every area should have enough light throughout, with no dim areas left. Interior designers in Bangalore, like CeeBee Design Studio, prefer this type of lighting for areas that senior citizens frequently use. A sense of safety and well-being is always added to a home when lighting is done correctly.

2. Task Lighting

These are the concentrated lights that we require to carry out any particular work, such as cooking, sewing, cutting, or reading. This kind of lighting is more focused and needs to supply enough light to allow an activity to be carried out correctly. This type of light in interior design includes table lamps for your reading nook, LED strips under your kitchen cabinets, and hanging pendant lights above your island workstation.

Interior designing company in Bangalore, like CeeBee Design Studio, suggests placing these lights in a way that shadows are not created. It can be suspended over the worktop or set next to someone. It should ideally cast a glare-free pool of light. Because of their unique tone, they are close to natural lighting.

3. Accent Lighting

These kinds of lights draw attention to or enhance a space's design features. It might be an architectural piece, a botanical plant, a picture, a sculpture, a textural wallpaper, or any other unique item you want to draw attention to. Accent lighting highlights the main point of interest, or feature element and is thus loved by many interior designers in Bangalore.

A far more aesthetically pleasing appearance would result from highlighting an element with more subdued, diffused, and indirect lighting coming from behind or below than from a bright, glaring spotlight. Interior design lighting accentuates an object's form and style by producing a subtle shadow and texture effect. It draws us in and adds depth to the entire scenario.

4. Decorative Lighting

These are the decorative light fixtures that, even when turned off, add to the beauty and ambiance of a room just by being there. These aren't always sources of light, necessarily. Don't you love accessorizing your favorite dress with jewelry and accessories to complete the look? Comparably, an interior designing company in Bangalore uses these lights to support and accentuate the look you want to create in a room.

A crystal chandelier or lights with fake candles for a more classic design; a sleek, transparent glass chandelier for a modern style; something really tough, like a light in a cage with a chain for an industrial style; and so on. Modern lighting designs that have a vintage touch are also highly fashionable. This category essentially includes chandeliers, wall sconces, pendant lights, table lamps, and other similar light fixtures.

5. Mood Lighting 

These kinds of lighting give a room an atmosphere and vibe. For instance, mood lighting serves to create an atmosphere where we want to unwind and enjoy ourselves, such as in bedrooms, restaurants, and lounges. Table lamps, floor lamps, candles, cove lighting, and coloured lights are some examples of these kinds of lighting fixtures.

This kind of lighting looks best with warm lights. Warm light from nature is more calming and welcoming to the eyes. These kinds of lights give the room a delicate, rich depth. Interior designers in Bangalore use a combination of all these kinds of lighting for each interior area. One or more of these interior lighting styles may be combined with a specific light fixture.


In any home, installing the right lighting fixtures is essential. To attract attention and highlight a room's colors, adequate lighting is crucial. Now that you have understood the types, you can choose the ones that perfectly fit the corners of your home. Take the help of the best interior designers in Bangalore if you are still confused about the specific areas you need to cover.

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