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Oodles Scaffold | Ready-to-Launch Crypto Exchange Software

Oodles Blockchain
Oodles Scaffold | Ready-to-Launch Crypto Exchange Software

There is no denying that cryptocurrencies are just not a fad, though there are challenges with them, including liquidity, fraud, price fluctuations, and more. And to facilitate their trading, crypto exchange applications developed the previous year are still making massive revenues in the market. Therefore, developing crypto exchanges has become a lucrative business idea. Every day, you may hear about the launch of a new crypto exchange. However, some business ideas never take off due to various reasons. One of them is the delay in time to market. If you want to build a crypto exchange platform, then saving every single second is crucial. Yet, the entire crypto exchange development process can take up significant time and costs. So, what can you do about it? The feasible choice is to opt for our pre-built white label crypto exchange software, Oodles Scaffold.

Oodles Scaffold is a ready-to-launch crypto exchange software for anyone keen on starting a new crypto exchange business.

Essentially, it lets you introduce your crypto exchange platform within a few weeks compared to several months of time required in developing from scratch.

Now, you can launch your crypto exchange platform with minimal effort, customizations, and investment.

Oodles Scaffold | Ready-to-Deploy Crypto Exchange Software Solution

Oodles Scaffold is a preconfigured, ready-to-deploy crypto exchange platform that you can modify and introduce to the market as a stand-alone brand.

Our platform’s modular design and microservices foundation let businesses accurately customize the platform to meet today’s unique crypto exchange needs.

Oodles Scaffold has a range of features that can edge out the competition. These include a high-performance matching engine, user-friendly UI (user interface), admin portal, APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), advanced payment processing system, and more.

Let us explore more about the benefits and features of Oodles Scaffold.

Benefits of Oodles Scaffold Crypto Exchange Software

Oodles Scaffold saves firms the hassle of developing their cryptocurrency exchange from scratch. While this benefit is obvious, there are many other ways in which firms might profit. The top advantages of selecting this readymade crypto exchange are the following:

Quick Development

Our well-articulated procedures for using Oodles Scaffold ensure you meet all crucial deadlines. It enables us to offer development services for cryptocurrency exchanges without sacrificing quality.

Time and Cost Saving

Compared to developing a cryptocurrency platform from scratch, it is less expensive to launch.

At the same time, you don’t have to invest time in the development process.

Purchasing infrastructure or running marketing campaigns doesn't require financial investment. Businesses may be able to give consumers more affordable services by using it to control costs.


Oodles Scaffold has a microservices design, which makes it simple to scale up to accommodate a rapidly growing customer base. It is essential to increase transaction throughput.

Cloud Deployment

You can use any cloud service platform, including Microsoft Azure and AWS, to deploy Oodles Scaffold. It ensures that development is quick and maintenance is minimal.

Multiple Cryptocurrency Support

Our exchange platform development is capable of supporting a variety of blockchains and cryptocurrencies.

Additionally, you can host it on your servers. Our blockchain developers can connect the program with the APIs (application programming interfaces) of several blockchains, including those for Bitcoin, Bitcoin Gold, Stellar Lumens, Ethereum, Litecoin, NEM, Ripple, NEO, Dash, and more.

Multiple Token Support

From ERC20 to ERC223, Oodles Scaffold supports numerous Ethereum tokens. It also supports tokens based on EOS, Waves, NEO, and NEM.

Ease of Market Configuration

Simple crypto/fiat or crypto/crypto market configuration is possible directly from the admin module.

Additionally, you can set up other market variables, including trade fees and minimum tradable amounts. It gives your trade a lot of versatility.

Organizational Ledger

An organizational ledger is a module on the admin panel that provides a centralized view of all system transactions.

Additionally, filters make it simple for the admin to track and look up different transactions to be compliant.

Features of Oodles Scaffold | Crypto Exchange

Oodles Scaffold, an inventive crypto exchange software, offers the following features:

KYC Compliance

The KYC module from Oodles Scaffold offers a quick and secure way to handle user identity and trust.

It prohibits users who are not KYC compliant from engaging in any trading operations.

In addition, we can create an automated KYC method by integrating it with third-party screening APIs.


Oodles Scaffold can interact with external exchanges and liquidity providers.

As a result, you will not face any liquidity issues or operational problems.

Admin Portal

Oodles Scaffold has an admin portal from where you can manage all your administration-related tasks.

The platform simplifies the organization of tasks like profile information, reports, listing, configuration for commissions, commission accounts, and more.

You can also use this admin portal for fine-tuning changes to adapt to different markets, trading fees, taxations, and other liquidity provider configurations.

Multi-Instruments Trading

The admin panel has features for multi-instrument trading that enable multi-instrument order booking.

With trading facilities, administrators can set up a variety of markets or tools. Open orders can be cancelled and trading data accessed by users as needed.

Multi-level Authentication

Oodles Scaffold maintains the highest level of security with multiple-level authentication for logins, profile updates, and withdrawals.

A user account becomes a highly protected asset with layers of OTP, email, and Google verification.

Multi-Currency Wallet

Multi-currency wallet integration lets users manage numerous currencies with a single digital wallet.

As part of our standard package, Oodles Scaffold accepts payments in ETH, LTC, BTC, BCH, and several fiat currencies.

It includes all fundamental features, including balance inquiries, address renewal, transaction records, deposits, and withdrawals.


You can download CSV (comma-separated value) reports for user lists, customer balances, organizational ledgers, order books, and trade.

We can add extra reports if that will better serve your particular needs.

Types of Orders

Limit orders and market orders are part of our cryptocurrency exchange development services’ standard package.

To assist you in reaching your trading goals, our advanced package also contains trades such as limit orders, conditional orders, stop orders, and margin orders.

Multiple Country/Language Support

Oodles Scaffold exhibits flexibility to support many languages. It can help you to start your exchange in several nations.

Additionally, flexibility enables crypto exchange establishment with different specifications in numerous countries.

Also, Read | Cryptocurrency Exchange Platform: Architecture, Security, and Features

Add-ons in Oodles Scaffold

Oodles Scaffold’s data architecture is flexible in terms of accepting new features.

Thus, you can add the following extra features that fulfill your requirements.

Referral Program

Users can share a promo or referral codes with their friends to receive rewards when they make purchases.

Merchant Integration

Merchant integration lets merchants register their sites with the exchange. They can also integrate code snippets to allow crypto payments for customers.

Automated Payment Modules

Payment gateway integration with Oodles Scaffold makes the option for deposits and withdrawals of fiat money accessible.

Multiple Liquidity Providers

It is possible to integrate Oodles Scaffold with numerous external exchanges to assure liquidity at all times.

Also, Read | Important Features of a Cryptocurrency Exchange for Definite Success

The Process to Acquire the Crypto Exchange Software

You have to undergo the following steps to launch your crypto exchange platform in less time:

Step 1. Request a Demo

You can request a demo to understand our pre-built crypto exchange platform.

You can give us your contact information so that one of our representatives can contact you.

Step 2. Demo and Requirement Discussion

One of our representatives will get in touch with you to go over the Oodles Scaffold in further depth after receiving your request for a demo.

Our technical expert will schedule a conversation with you to better understand your needs after you've signed a non-disclosure agreement (NDA).

You can also avail yourself of a trial version of our ready-to-launch crypto exchange platform.

Step 3. Gap Analysis and Design Solution

In order to comprehend your company requirements, our professionals will assess your business performance. Subsequently, a design solution for end product specialisation will be developed.

Step 4. Development

Our team will use the design solution to deploy a crypto exchange platform that perfectly fits your requirement.

Step 5. Deployment

Lastly, our developers deploy the final product to the production environment.

Then, you can launch it for your end-users.


With numerous benefits and features, Oodles Scaffold is the easiest solution for your business needs.

If you are interested in implementing your crypto exchange platform, then take the first step by requesting a demo. Our team of crypto exchange developers will get in touch with you right away.

Oodles Blockchain
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