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Beyond Mickey: Unconventional Ways to Explore with Your DVC Points

kirstie alley

Welcome to the world of Disney Vacation Club (DVC) membership, where the magic of Disney extends far beyond the realms of Mickey Mouse and enchanting theme parks. While many associate DVC points solely with stays at Disney resorts, the scope of DVC is much broader. As a DVC member, you have a treasure trove of opportunities at your disposal, offering unique experiences that go beyond the traditional Disney vacation. This blog delves into unconventional ways to utilize your DVC points, along with insights into DVC sales and DVC resale markets.

1. Exploring the World with DVC Points

Did you know that your DVC points can be your passport to exploring destinations far beyond Disney properties? Through various exchange programs, DVC members can convert their points to travel to exotic locations worldwide. From European adventures to tropical paradises, your DVC points can unlock doors to new experiences.

2. Cruising in Style with Disney Cruise Line

While not a direct use of DVC points, members can leverage points towards discounts and offers on Disney Cruise Line. Imagine setting sail on a Disney cruise, exploring destinations like the Caribbean, Alaska, or even Mediterranean coasts. With DVC points, this dream can be a reality, offering a different flavor of Disney magic.

3. RCI Exchange Program

The RCI exchange program is a fantastic way for DVC members to stretch their points. Through RCI, you can exchange your DVC points for stays at thousands of resorts worldwide, from snowy mountains to beachfront villas. This program truly diversifies the use of your points, offering vacation experiences beyond the Disney umbrella.

4. Adventures by Disney

For those seeking guided tours with a touch of Disney's renowned customer service, Adventures by Disney is a superb choice. By converting DVC points, members can embark on guided group tours to destinations like Africa, Asia, Europe, and South America. It's a blend of adventure and the familiar Disney charm.

5. DVC Sales and DVC Resale Market

Understanding the DVC sales and DVC resale market is crucial for members. Purchasing additional points or selling your points can be a strategic move to maximize your membership. The DVC resale market often offers points at a lower cost than direct purchases, making it an attractive option for expanding your points portfolio. Similarly, if you're looking to sell, understanding market trends and prices can ensure you get the best value for your points.


Your journey with DVC doesn't have to be confined to the walls of Disney theme parks and resorts. The versatility of DVC points opens up a world of possibilities, from exotic global travels to unique experiences that cater to all kinds of interests. Whether you're exploring the DVC sales market to increase your points or delving into the DVC resale market for affordable options, the potential of your DVC membership is limited only by your imagination. Embrace the unconventional, and let your DVC points take you on adventures beyond Mickey!

kirstie alley
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