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How Will the Face Feel Like After a Facelift Surgery?

How Will the Face Feel Like After a Facelift Surgery?

A facelift surgery can offer excellent results and make one feel younger than their actual age. It is a common procedure that helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles and tightens the loose or saggy skin. It can also provide one with a defined jawline.

Besides the several benefits a facelift surgery offers, many patients are keen to know how the face will feel after a facelift surgery. To answer it, we will cover it in this comprehensive guide. Regarding this, we took insights from Dr. Shilpi Bhadani, who is widely considered the best plastic surgeon in India. The blog will detail what one can expect after the facelift surgery days and weeks following the procedure. So, let’s begin discussing.

What Happens After the First Week of Facelift Surgery?

After the procedure, the surgeon and the staff will monitor the patient and analyze if they are recovering properly. After the surgery, one will need to take prescription pain medication for the first week. Furthermore, one may experience some swelling around the skin, but this will go away in a few days.

What Happens When One Gets Back to Their Routine?

In the second week after the procedure, one will likely continue to experience tightness around the face, swelling, and bruising. But by the time the second week ends, one would be ready to return to their routine. One can engage in light activities and continue doing normal activities. 

What Will One Feel Like After the First Two Weeks? 

The surgeon can remove the sutures after the third week of the facelift surgery. One will normally feel back to normal after a month and will not have pain or irritation around the skin. One can also return to regular activities around this time, although numbness and bruising can take a few months to fully clear.

What Precautions Should Be Taken When Recovering From Facelift Surgery?

One must take fiber supplements, eat light meals for a few days, keep their head up, and wash their face properly to recover quickly after facelift surgery. Most importantly, following the surgeon's instructions is essential for the best results.

Final Takeaway

Facelift surgery helps to tighten the sagging skin, reduce the droopiness of the cheeks, and eliminate the other signs of aging. To get an effective facelift surgery in India, one can schedule a consultation with the prominent plastic surgeon, Dr. Shilpi Bhadani.

The expert surgeon is the founder of SB Aesthetics, a leading plastic surgery facility that specializes in performing safe and effective facelift surgery. By performing an effective facelift surgery, she can help eliminate the visible signs of aging in the face and neck.

For more details on facelift surgery, visit SB Aesthetics right away!

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