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What is the Notary Power of Attorney process in the UK?

White Horse Notary Public

In the United Kingdom, the Notary Power of Attorney process is a formal and legal procedure that involves the appointment of an individual, known as a notary public, to witness and authenticate the signing of a Power of Attorney document. The Power of Attorney (PoA) is a crucial legal instrument that grants someone else, the attorney or agent, the authority to make decisions on behalf of the person granting the power (the donor).

Here is a step-by-step guide to the Notary Power of Attorney process in the UK:

1. Choose a Notary Public

Select a qualified and experienced notary public. Notaries are legal professionals appointed by the Archbishop of Canterbury and regulated by the Faculty Office of the Archbishop. They play a crucial role in verifying and certifying documents for use abroad, including Powers of Attorney.

2. Schedule an Appointment

Contact the chosen notary public to schedule an appointment. It's essential to meet in person to ensure the authenticity of the process. During the appointment, the notary will verify the identities of all parties involved and confirm their understanding of the Power of Attorney document.

3. Provide Identification and Documentation

Both the donor and the attorney (the person granted power) must provide valid identification, such as a passport or driving licence, to the notary public. Additionally, the notary will need the original Power of Attorney document, which should be prepared in advance.

4. Notarization of the Power of Attorney

The notary public will witness the signing of the Power of Attorney document by the donor. This involves ensuring that the donor is signing the document willingly and understands the implications of granting power to the chosen attorney. The notary will then affix their official seal and signature to the document.

5. Legalization and Authentication

After notarization, the Power of Attorney may need further authentication, depending on its intended use. This often involves obtaining an apostille from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) to ensure international recognition.

6. Registration with Relevant Authorities

In some cases, it may be necessary to register the notarized and authenticated Power of Attorney with specific authorities or government offices, either in the UK or the country where the document will be used.

7. Keep Copies for Reference

Both the donor and the attorney should retain copies of the notarized and authenticated Power of Attorney for their records. These copies serve as legal proof of the granted authority.


The Notary Power of Attorney process in the UK is a meticulous and legally binding procedure that ensures the authenticity and validity of the Power of Attorney document. By following these steps and working with a qualified notary public, individuals can navigate the process seamlessly, granting and validating powers with confidence.

White Horse Notary Public
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