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Emergency Readiness: Enhancing Building Safety with Photoluminescent Exit Signs in Canada

Tactile Solution
Emergency Readiness: Enhancing Building Safety with Photoluminescent Exit Signs in Canada

Photoluminescent exit signs in Canada are essential for reducing danger during an emergency or a power outage. By absorbing and storing natural or ambient light, the photoluminescent material used to make these exit directional signs allows them to glow in the dark. This enables them to provide vital information and wayfinding for all staff members while glowing brightly in the dark. These glow-in-the-dark signs have several advantages for both employees and business owners. Here, we will discuss photoluminescent exit signage, including its benefits and significance in reducing risk and enhancing safety.

What Are Photoluminescent Signs?

Due to their extraordinary advantages, photoluminescent exit signs are growing in popularity. Photoluminescent exit signs in Canada store energy from the ambient lighting in the building, as opposed to electroluminescent exit signs, which need electricity. The cost of safety is eliminated because they don't require a battery, light bulbs, a power connection, or any other maintenance.

The most common element used to allow exit directional signs to glow without using electricity is Tritium. Tritium is the only known radioactive isotope of hydrogen and is present everywhere on Earth. Tritium's unique properties and minimal radioactive profile make it useful for various applications, such as analog watches, low-light binoculars, and emergency signage for fire exits.

In short, luminous exit signs illuminate when there is sudden darkness. These signs are used for:

  • Guiding personnel through an escape route.
  • Showing the location of a muster point.
  • Signage for fire exit.
  • Illuminating key areas during a power outage.
  • Providing information on safety equipment.

5 Unique Benefits of Photoluminescent Exit Signs in Canada

  1. Requires No Batteries: Photoluminescent exit signs in Canada require no batteries or backup power. Unlike electroluminescent exit signs, which need electricity, exit sign photoluminescence is achieved by utilizing advanced luminescent technology. Luminous exit signs rely only on the surrounding light source, either natural or artificial, to gain a charge. 
  2. Maintenance Free: Where other emergency lighting systems require frequent and timely inspections, photoluminescent exit signs in Canada do not require any care. Without moving parts or wiring, these exit directional signs do not require any checks or replacements to maintain their performance.
  3. Always Visible: Luminous exit signs automatically glow brightly in the dark. This means in the case of an emergency, you don't have to worry about turning on the emergency exit lighting systems as they'll come on automatically.
  4. Cost-Effective: Not only are photoluminescent exit signs in Canada a visibly better choice for building safety, but they are also more cost-effective than traditional exit signage. Not only do luminous exit signs eliminate the cost of battery replacements, but they have a longer lifespan than electroluminescent exit signs, significantly reducing replacement costs.
  5. Code Compliant: Section 1024 of the International Building and Fire Codes requires the installation of luminous signage for fire exits. To meet code compliance, the exit signage must be UL 924 certified.

Shop Photoluminescent Emergency Exit Signs in Canada with Tactile Solutions Canada

Ecoglo Photoluminescent Exit Signs 

Ecoglo's carefully designed and expertly manufactured photoluminescent exit signs in Canada help guide occupants to safety, no matter the lighting conditions! Ecoglo offers a full range of code-compliant signage for fire exits to ensure visibility in all lighting conditions! Find your local code compliance expert and start building code-compliant exit signage in Canada! 

If you're looking for photoluminescent exit signs in Canada that your business can rely on, contact our expert team at Tactile Solutions Canada today!

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