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Are Clarks shoes good for your feet


Are Clarks shoes good for your feet

Clarks is a British footwear company that has been around for nearly 200 years. Known for their focus on comfort and innovation in shoe design, Clarks shoes have become a household name for anyone in need of a reliable and stylish pair of shoes. But are they good for your feet? In this article, we’ll explore the features and benefits of Clarks shoes, customer reviews, potential drawbacks, and how they compare to other popular shoe brands.

History Of Clarks Shoes

Clarks was founded in 1825 by brothers Cyrus and James Clark in Somerset, England. Initially, the company focused on making rugs and slippers but eventually transitioned to making footwear due to increased demand. In 1950, Clarks introduced the Desert Boot, a simple yet stylish boot that became an instant classic. Since then, the company has expanded its product line to include sandals, dress shoes, and athletic shoes.

Features Of Clarks Shoes

Clarks shoes are designed with comfort in mind. The brand’s cushioned insoles are one of their most well-known features, providing extra support and shock absorption for the feet. Clarks shoes also feature durable materials, such as leather and suede, that are meant to last for years without wearing out. Additionally, many Clarks shoes have a removable insole, which allows for customized orthotics to be added if necessary.

Benefits Of Clarks Shoes For Foot Health

Clarks shoes offer several benefits for foot health. For starters, the cushioned insoles provide extra support and shock absorption, which can help reduce foot pain and fatigue. Additionally, many Clarks shoes have a contoured footbed that supports the arch of the foot, which can be especially helpful for those with flat feet or high arches.

Another benefit of Clarks shoes is their wide range of sizes and widths. Many of their shoes come in half sizes and multiple widths, ensuring a more customized and comfortable fit for the wearer. This is especially important for those with wider or narrower feet, who may struggle to find shoes that fit properly.

Customer Reviews Of Clarks Shoes

Overall, customer reviews of Clarks shoes are positive. Many customers praise the brand’s focus on comfort and style, noting that their shoes are both functional and fashionable. Some customers even claim that Clarks shoes have helped alleviate foot pain and discomfort.

One customer writes, “I’ve been wearing Clarks shoes for years and they’re the only brand that doesn’t leave my feet hurting by the end of the day. Their cushioned insoles are a lifesaver!” Another customer adds, “I have flat feet and struggle to find shoes that provide enough support. Clarks shoes have been a game-changer for me. I can wear them all day without any foot pain.”

Potential Drawbacks Of Clarks Shoes

While Clarks shoes are generally well-regarded, there are some potential drawbacks to consider. One criticism is that the shoes can be expensive compared to other brands. Additionally, some customers have noted that the quality of the shoes may not be as high as it once was, with some pairs wearing out faster than expected.

Another concern is that not all Clarks shoes offer the same level of support and comfort. Some styles may be more fashionable than functional, which could be an issue for those in need of extra foot support. It’s important to carefully consider the features and materials of each shoe before making a purchase.

Comparison To Other Brands

When it comes to comfort and foot health, Clarks shoes are comparable to other popular shoe brands like Ecco, Merrell, and Dansko. Each brand has its own unique features and benefits, so it’s important to try on shoes from different brands to find the best fit for your feet.

Ecco shoes, for example, are known for their use of high-quality leather and focus on comfort, with many styles featuring a removable insole and anatomical footbed. Merrell shoes are designed for outdoor enthusiasts and feature rugged, durable materials and slip-resistant soles. Dansko shoes are known for their contoured footbed and arch support, making them a popular choice for those in need of extra support for conditions like plantar fasciitis.

Ultimately, the best shoe brand for you will depend on your specific needs and preferences. It’s important to consider factors like foot shape, arch support, and any preexisting foot conditions when shopping for shoes. Trying on different styles and brands and walking around in them for a few minutes can help you get a better sense of their comfort and fit.


Clarks shoes are a popular choice for those in need of comfortable and stylish footwear. With a focus on cushioned insoles, durable materials, and a wide range of sizes and widths, Clarks shoes offer several benefits for foot health. While they may be more expensive than some other brands, many customers swear by their comfort and support. It’s important to carefully consider the features and materials of each shoe before making a purchase and to try on different styles and brands to find the best fit for your feet.

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