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2150+ Finance Investors to Get Funded

India Biz For Sale
2150+ Finance Investors to Get Funded

Are you a fintech entrepreneur seeking crucial funding or considering an exit strategy? You’re in the right place! In this article, we’ve shared a list of 2150+ finance investors willing to invest or acquire in running finance businesses and startups in India. 

We’ve compiled a list of (domestic and international) investors based on their location preferences. Following only 3 easy steps, you can directly connect with relevant potential investors without intermediaries.

Let’s propel your fintech venture to new heights!

Location-Based Investors in the Finance Sector

Below, we’ve outlined the count of investors, both domestic and international, showing interest in investing in the finance sector across various regions of India.

2150+ Location Based Finnace Investors in India 2024

1. 279 Finance Investors in Gujarat

2. 140+ Finance Investors In Telangana

3. 386+ Finance Investors in Maharashtra

4. 261+ Finance Investors in Tamil Nadu 

5. 251+ Finance Investors in Karnataka

6. 82+ Finance Investors in Chhattisgarh

7. 80+ Finance Investors in Jharkhand

8. 61+ Finance Investors in Manipur

9. 178+ Finance Investors in Andhra Pradesh

10. 62+ Finance Investors in Nagaland

11. 170+ Finance Investors in Haryana

11. 106+ Finance Investors in Bihar

12. 61 Finance Investors in Sikkim

13. 98+ Finance Investors in Himachal Pradesh

14. 62+ Finance Investors in Mizoram

15. 87+ Finance Investors in Assam

16. 98+ Finance Investors in Uttarakhand

17. 121+ Finance Investors in Punjab

18.96+ Finance Investors in Goa

19. 14 2+ Finance Investors in Madhya Pradesh

20. 151+ Finance Investors in Rajasthan

21. 151+ Finance Investors in Kerala

22. 203+ Finance Investors in West Bengal

23. 81+ Finance Investors in Orrisa

24. 203+ Finance Investors in Uttar Pradesh

25. 65+ Finance Investors in Meghalaya

26. 61+ Finance Investors in Tripura

Just click on your relevant link and get connected with investors directly.

You’ve noted that the total of this all above is more than 2150. Many individual investors have multiple location preferences in their investment portfolios. 

Contact Investors Following 3 Easy Steps

1. Showcase Your Deal (Free):

  • Create a compelling business proposal on IndiaBizForSale highlighting your venture (details remain hidden initially).

2. Find Your Match:

  • Use filters (location, industry, etc.) to identify suitable investors on the platform.

3. Connect Directly:

  • View investor profiles, then initiate contact via “Send Proposal” or contact details.

Beyond Finding Investors:

  • Secure expert guidance on valuation, negotiation, and legal matters.
  • Conduct thorough due diligence on potential investors and your business.
  • Prepare for strong negotiation and ensure proper documentation.
  • Maintain honesty and transparency throughout the process.

Going with IndiaBizForSale will not only fast-track your journey to find and connect with the right potential business investors/buyers, but our experienced investment banking team can help you in each stage (if needed) to complete your Fundraising or M&A transactions successfully.

You can contact our investment banking team at [email protected]

India Biz For Sale
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