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Avoid these Mistakes So that You Don’t Fail Your Driving Test!

Briswide Driving School
Avoid these Mistakes So that You Don’t Fail Your Driving Test!

On the day of your driving test, you are bound to be nervous and anxious. But be clear about one thing - the more anxious you are the higher is your chance of making mistakes.

On the day of your driving test, you are bound to be nervous and anxious. But be clear about one thing - the more anxious you are the higher is your chance of making mistakes. It is important that you remain cool and calm and pay attention to what the driving instructor is asking you to do. Below are some tips that will help you in clearing the exam:


  • The moment you get in the car, put on your seat belt and check if the driving instructor has put on his seat belt or not. At times, the instructor will purposefully not wear his seat belt to see what you do.
  • Next wait for the instructor to give his permission to start the car. When he gives the permission, make sure that you stick to speed limit. Don’t try to over impress by doing something stupid and silly.
  • Make sure to check the rear-view mirror and side mirror every time you take a turn, even when the indicators are on. There are some instructors who will consider it as a mistake if you don’t look into the side mirrors.
  • Be careful when reversing the car and parking it. There is no need to hurry. Gauge the space available in the parking lot carefully and then proceed to park the car.
  • Do not panic at any point of time. Your confidence and calmness will see you through. Just remember all that you were taught in the driving school Brisbane Southside and you are good to go.


Best of luck for your driving test! You are going to ace it.

Briswide Driving School
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