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Spanish Courses in Delhi

Digtal Solution
Spanish Courses in Delhi

In a rapidly globalizing world, multilingualism has become more than just an asset; it's a necessity. Spanish, being the second most spoken language globally, opens doors to diverse cultures, career opportunities, and personal growth. Delhi, a bustling hub of education and culture in India, offers a plethora of options for those keen on mastering this beautiful language. Here’s a comprehensive guide to some of the top Spanish courses in Delhi.

1. Instituto Cervantes

Instituto Cervantes, an official Spanish government institution, is one of the premier centers for learning Spanish in Delhi. Located in the heart of the city, this institute offers comprehensive courses ranging from beginner to advanced levels. The curriculum is designed to enhance all aspects of language learning, including reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Cultural immersion is a key component, with regular events, exhibitions, and film screenings that provide students with a deeper understanding of Spanish-speaking countries.


Certified instructors from Spain and Latin America

Access to a vast library of Spanish literature and media

Cultural activities and workshops

2. Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU)

JNU, renowned for its School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies, offers an intensive Spanish language program. This university provides both undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Spanish, focusing on linguistic skills, literature, and translation. The academic rigor and vibrant campus life make JNU a sought-after destination for language enthusiasts.


Diverse and inclusive learning environment

Comprehensive academic curriculum

Opportunities for research and study abroad programs

3. Delhi University (DU)

Delhi University’s Department of Germanic and Romance Studies offers part-time and full-time Spanish courses. The university caters to students at various proficiency levels, from certificate courses to advanced diplomas. DU’s experienced faculty and rich academic resources provide a solid foundation for mastering Spanish.


Flexible course schedules

Experienced faculty with expertise in Spanish literature and linguistics

Active student exchange programs with Spanish-speaking countries

4. Instituto Hispania

Instituto Hispania, a specialized language institute, is dedicated solely to teaching Spanish. With multiple branches across Delhi, it offers convenient access to quality language education. The courses are structured to cater to different learning needs, whether for professional purposes, academic pursuits, or personal interest.


  • Small class sizes for personalized attention
  • Interactive teaching methods
  • Preparation for international Spanish proficiency exams like DELE

5. Inlingua Delhi

Inlingua International School of Languages, part of a global network, provides Spanish courses with a focus on practical communication skills. Their tailor-made courses are suitable for both beginners and those looking to refine their language abilities. Inlingua’s methodology emphasizes speaking and listening, ensuring that students can confidently use Spanish in real-world situations.


  • Flexible learning options including intensive courses and weekend batches
  • Experienced native and non-native instructors
  • Modern teaching aids and interactive sessions

6. Hispanic Horizons

Hispanic Horizons offers Spanish courses with a focus on professional and academic excellence. Located in South Delhi, this institute provides a range of courses from basic to advanced levels. Their interactive classes, combined with a robust curriculum, ensure that students achieve fluency and a deep understanding of the language.


  • Customized courses for corporates and professionals
  • Exam preparation for DELE and SIELE
  • Cultural immersion programs


Delhi’s diverse array of Spanish courses caters to every kind of learner, whether you’re looking to enhance your career prospects, prepare for travel, or simply indulge in the richness of a new language. With esteemed institutions and specialized language centers, the capital city provides the perfect environment to embark on your Spanish language journey. Whether you’re a complete beginner or looking to refine your skills, Delhi’s Spanish courses offer the gateway to a global linguistic and cultural experience.

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