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What Brought Up The Popularity Of Women’s Coord Sets

Kiara Agarwal

Coord or coordination sets have been in the industry for quite a long time now. However, their popularity didn’t grow soon after the evolution. They started as a fashion week look but then when they extended to the streets, they became popular. And now the coord sets are on the lips and wardrobes of many women. But what exactly drove its success in the industry? Let’s find out.

What Drove The Popularity of Coord Sets? Why are they Everybody’s Favorite?

  • Coord sets are comfortable

Coord sets are very comfortable to wear. When the right size is bought, you will get a perfect fit for your shape. They are mostly crafted in cotton and blends, which make them comfortable and stylish for summer.

  • They are versatile

Coord sets are versatile in the way that they come in different designs, patterns, and colors to suit diverse occasions. You can wear a lounge coord set for an evening date, day outing, or similar occasions. On the other hand, a formal coord set would suffice work wear needs. 

  • They are Different

Coord sets are different from other types of clothing as in coord sets, both the top and bottom have the same color and print. Their prints are unique and differ from those in summer kurta sets or cotton dresses.

  • Easy To Wear & Carry

Coord sets are easy to wear. Just wear the top and bottom and you are good to go. Of course, you can style them with your favorite accessories like scarves, long chains, etc. They are still the most convenient type of clothing to carry. Also, you can easily wear them to travel. Many women across the country wear coords on their road trips and tours, saying that they are even more comfy than their old school t-shirt and denim. 

  • Affordable

Besides the above reasons for its popularity, a coord set is also affordable, compared to other types of clothing. You might think twice before buying cotton dresses online India but not the coords.  

Wrapping Up

The popularity of these coord sets further encouraged the designers to create different categories of coords. These include formal, casual, Indian style, night suit, and lounge co ord sets. These matching sets have taken over the wardrobes of many celebrities and fashionistas, motivating the crowd to include this must-have clothing in their wardrobe too. Buy the most alluring variety of coord sets on Pink Cactii. Visit the website to explore the collection.

Kiara Agarwal
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