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The Urban Mobility Revolution is About to Start. The Self-driving Cars are the First to Arrive

Alesia Nik
The Urban Mobility Revolution is About to Start. The Self-driving Cars are the First to Arrive

Self-driving cars are about to change the way people live and work, achieving a better quality of life and we see cars that are becoming smarter by the day.

Layers in the Technology Stack of Urban Mobility

Here are the layers on which urban mobility is based on.

  1. Physical Infrastructure Layer
  2. Rules Layer
  3. Vehicles
  4. Rider Interface Layer

The smartphones that we use are increasingly becoming the storehouse of huge amount of data. Accurate and real-time data will be delivered by the sensors and the smartphone-based systems that will form the basic foundations of the urban mobility planning, bringing about a vast shift in the way municipalities worked in the past. This change will  be made possible through gathering the Big Data, measuring and analyzing it.

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Alesia Nik
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