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Careem Review: Application Pros and Cons

Anurag Rathod
Careem Review: Application Pros and Cons

The Careem app has been one of the most popular car hailing or taxi booking applications in the UAE since its establishment in 2012.

Although one can’t say that the taxi business has been predominant on a pretty large scale, but the truth is with operations in over 35 cities in 14 countries, the Careem app is a pretty giant name in the cab hailing business.

But as it grew and took shape the true potential of taxi hailing apps came to the fore.

Because Uber entered the world first, it had to face its own trials and tribulations.

It had to undertake many tests, resolve many bugs for a very long time after getting feedback from the customers after real time on road experiences.

Anurag Rathod
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