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Evolution of Google & Facebook to Effective Online Advertisement Tools

Raveen Paswan
Evolution of Google & Facebook to Effective Online Advertisement Tools

Evolution of Google and Facebook

Google and Facebook both the companies made comprehensive efforts in order to turn Internet advertising useful, effective and easily affordable.

It is hard to single out a certain platform as both of them are equally effective for sales, leads, consultations, or anything of that nature.

The age of online marketing took off with the emergence of the Internet and the development of the Web 1.0 platform in the early 90’s.

This can be called the elder brother of AdWords, as it was launched two months before the launch of Google AdWords.

The AdWords was officially launched in the month of October of the same year and with the birth of AdWords, Larry Page, Google’s co-founder said of their new online advertising product, “AdWords offers the most technologically advanced features available, enabling an advertiser to quickly design a flexible program that best fits its online marketing goals and budget.”

Raveen Paswan
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