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PC Peripherals Market Overview by Latest Key Trends, Opportunities, Geography and Applications to 2025

Rahul Sharma
PC Peripherals Market Overview by Latest Key Trends, Opportunities, Geography and Applications to 2025

22th October, 2018 – Growing demand from gaming industry and tech savvy individuals is expected to drive the market growth. PC Peripherals are devices that can be connected to computers externally such as mouse, printers, keyboards, routers, scanners and gaming consoles. In gaming industry devices such as the high market growth rate of the PC peripherals market in gaming industry can be attributed to factors such as the launch of next generation advanced gaming devices and the increasing popularity of e-sports leagues. Increasing standards of gaming experience and innovative games that provide real world experience can be also be expected to drive the market growth.

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Growing smartphone and other substitute devices such as tablets, market is expected to pose a major challenge to the PC peripherals market. Consumers are expected to replace their PCs with tablets and smartphones as demand for mobility and portability is expected to grow stronger and heavier over the standard computers in the future. The advancement and innovation in mobile technologies and increasing demand for small, efficient devices has also improved the features and performance of laptops or tablets For instance demand for slim, ultra slim, detachable, touch variations and convertible, electronic gadgets is expected to significantly rise as compared to traditional PC. Declining demand of PC is expected to adversely affect the peripheral components.


Rising consumer disposable income coupled with escalating inclination towards high definition video games is anticipated to positively increase the demand for PC peripherals market. Willingness to pay premium price for high technology defined consoles is expected to drive the PC peripherals market. The devices are expected to gain significance owing to their accessibility and ease of use. Online availability and purchase of PC peripherals E-commerce is expected to influence the retailing industry. Shifting consumer preferences towards online shopping plays a major role in e-commerce industry Ease of accessibility to diverse product categories and secure payment options are major factors contributing to market penetration


Key companies that are operating in the global market are HP, cannon, Seagate, Toshiba, Logitech and Seiko Epson. Other industry participants include western digital, dell, fujitsu, Samsung, Microsoft and Panasonic. The market is expected to be competitive in terms new product launch. Gaming enthusiasts are anticipated to influence the market demand for mainstream and performance class peripherals. The printing segment of Hewlett-Packard’s is expected to be one of the major sources of revenue for the company.


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Rahul Sharma
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