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Recover Data From Damaged Hard-Disk With Windows Recovery Software

Sam Vik
Recover Data From Damaged Hard-Disk With Windows Recovery Software

Windows Recovery Software is the ultimate tool to get back your files and folders. This software is compatible with Windows 10/ 8/ 7/ Vista/ XP/ 2000 and previous versions. The recovery software is an try and tested tool. Users simply have to add the corrupted drives and all the components will recover. Check features of Windows Data Recovery

Recover Data from Smartphone: Windows data recovery software is highly praised because it supports recovery from smartphone. Today, most of the user's have important data in smartphone. The recovery software can be used for internal storage recovery too.

Recover Data from Crashed Drive: Users can recover the data from crashed hard-drive. It scans the data from the corrupt drive and extracts it.

Search for a required file from the preview option

It recovers everything including the .dll files, executable files, text files, images, videos, documents

Download the Windows Data Recovery Software from here. 

Sam Vik
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