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AVG is set to pull up threats with its smarter security coming in 2019

James Enrique
AVG is set to pull up threats with its smarter security coming in 2019

The security software company recently made an announcement via posting a blog on www.avg.com/retail mentioning that their security product will no longer be updated with new features for Windows XP and Windows Vista operating systems right from the beginning of the new year.

To get new highlight releases of AVG antivirus, users will be obliged to update their Windows operating system.

Moreover, the organization has developed some top-drawer features for their newly updated Antivirus protection.

For the new 2019 version, avg.com/retail is bringing ahead stronger protection against today’s most widespread and sensitive threats, particularly data breaches and phishing.

Basic credentials of users such as usernames and passwords are more precious than any other thing in today’s environment and cybercriminals are constantly working on every way to crack into your sensitive information from a brute attack to obscured social engineering and everything in between.

AVG activation will be mandatory

James Enrique
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