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How needy are your servers for Backups

Manohar Parakh
How needy are your servers for Backups

How needy are your servers for Backups, RAID, mirroring, replication, CDP, snapshots? How it paves a way for business continuity?

More than ever, now a day’s data forms a very crucial aspect for organizations, to an extent that Big Data management modules are in process of development.  Just imagine if you work hard for a year and when it is time to execute your efforts, your data digged for 1 year gets lost! Avalanche! Isn’t it? So why take risk by not implementing backup and recovery plans?

Further details will clarify all doubts with Backups and related terms. Backup does not come sufficiently alone, there are many other important parameters supporting it. Many of us might wonder why mirroring, replication, CDP, snapshots etc.? Let me tell you, these all terms sound pretty similar and may be, if you see their definitions you will link them as same, but they have distinguishing features and all of them are necessary to protect your data (if you really care for it).

RAID i.e. redundant array of independent disks, what is it exactly? RAID is a virtualization technology for storing data. It has various levels called as RAID levels. Depending on the method of storage RAID levels are defined, for Ex. RAID0, RAID1, etc.

RAID can be simply explained as, if your service provider is using RAID technology, your data will be stripped i.e. sequential data will be segmented and these segments will be stored at different physical storages and this logic for choosing correct storage is decided by the level of RAID used. With use of RAID, we get the benefit of data redundancy or performance progress.

CDP and Backups cheer hand in hand, CDP (continuous data protection) is nothing but Real-CDP, another type is Near-CDP, which is nothing but Snapshot. CDP is really essential if yours is enterprise level business. With big business comes, big data and with big data comes worry to protect it, as data is whole-and-sole for information carrying enterprises.

CDP is a real time backup, which replicates data from source to destination with any delta change in system. R1soft is the platform for CDP used by ESDS Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Many times I come across question saying how to use R1soft from cpanel? It is very simple to access R1soft tool from cpanel, access R1soft backup tool using your cpanel’s section named Files, use your login details and once you have successfully logged in for R1soft, you will notice list of backup files. To restore your desired file, go to ->browse databases->select desired file->click restore selected, desired file is restored.

Backup is our old good traditional backup process, where data from primary is stored in secondary on repeated basis. At specific point of time, data is stored; it can be hourly, daily, weekly, monthly. Backup may be required in case of logical corruption, user error, hardware failure or damage.

Mirroring is again another concept related to backup, Continuous data transfer between main and standby server is done, in cases when the main server fails, standby server automatically takes charge. Mirroring is the ability to copy data efficiently from main server to standby server; it actually acts like a mirror. Redundancy is the primary objective of why such a service is proposed.

Replication is the term in which data is replicated from local servers to the main server, usually data centers. If one has data centers at different regional locations, data from local server is replicated to the main server located in central data center. Replication replicates even error, it is con of replication. In case of corruption, it may wipe out both the sites says W. Curtis Preston – founder of Backup central.

Snapshots, as previously stated it is nothing but near-CDP. It stores read only images at a point of time. With proactive snapshots, server can be restored within no time. Provides 100% fail proof performance. CDP can be said as one of the types of Snapshotting.

To maintain business continuity, efficient data protection strategy is necessary. When combination of all the above methods is implemented on various forms of data at various points of time, it would provide a good solution as cherry on the top. With failure of data protection strategy for even a moment, can result in failure of business continuity, and may prove disaster in business economies sometimes.

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Manohar Parakh
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