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Top Beaches in Goa – Vagator Beach for Water Sports

seawater sports
Top Beaches in Goa – Vagator Beach for Water Sports

It is a rocky and sandy beach, just like the entrance to the sea.

Tourist season that begins in the month of December and ends in the month of January makes everything in Goa a bit costly but there are many clubs there that are still worth a visit for a memorable Goa trip.

Vagator beach is of crescent-shaped that has become a favorite tourist among tourists for midnight parties also.

At the end of Little Vagator is a prominent landmark of the face of Lord Shiva sculpted by someone on a rock on the shore.

Apart from water sports activities there are multiple other leisure activities which include sunbathing, relaxing, enjoying music and dance at nightlife, shopping, sightseeing, exploring to other nearby beaches many more.

You can also try the local Goan cuisines, which include bananas, coconuts.

The text above is a summary, you can read full article here.

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