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Daniel Carl
I develop fast, agile, scalable and secure android applications with the help of best Android Application Development Company - HokuApps.
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Daniel Carl 2018-10-17

World is contracting with the improvement of mobile phone development.

By and by they are not used just to make calls but instead they have unlimited uses and can be used as a Camera, Music player, Tablet PC, T.V., Web program etc.

In addition, with the new advances, new programming and working structures are required.What is Android?Working Systems have developed a ton in latest 15 years.

Starting from very differentiating phones to late propelled cells or littler than regular PCs, flexible OS has come far away.

Especially for cutting edge cells, Mobile OS has phenomenally created from Palm OS in 1996 to Windows take PC in 2000 then to Blackberry OS and Android.A champion among the most comprehensively used adaptable OS these days is ANDROID.

Android is an item pack including working system and additionally middleware and key applications.

Daniel Carl 2018-09-24

By Considering the trend of rapid development of the software market, we can say with confidence that the development of mobile apps claim to a great future because today this segment is the subject of a broad discussion.

Today, smart phones and electronic tablets have become an integral part of everyday life.

Consequently, a wide variety of applications and amendments to them are becoming increasingly popular for both leisure and business.

Regardless of whether we are dealing with friends or doing search of any information in the global network without the appropriate software is not enough.

The analytical software products, management and control systems as well as a wide variety of digital communications have become an inherent part of any modern company.Main applications of mobile software in addition to the business and leisure should be noted the presence of other areas not less urgent to develop applications.

Education and medicine, planning and management, news and geolocation, and of course social networks and blogs, these are just some of the areas in which many app developers are trying their hand today.

Daniel Carl 2018-08-31

As it is an open source operating system, developers don't need to shell out any authentication fees for its development.

The gadgets have created a revolution and its apps are truly simple which people with basic knowledge can handle easily.Now, if we come to the pre-requisites of Android application development, a number of amazing mobile apps can be developed with the help of this open source framework.

To accomplish the customer requirements, many Android based mobile projects and apps are developed.

This operating system provides a flexible environment with Java IDEs to develop applications.The platform can be adjusted to 2-D & 3-D graphics library, based on OpenGL ES 1.0 specifications with Smartphone structure.

The Android application development is featured with - simple usage of tools, large memory space and excellent performance, high- profile development environment, supports audio, video and image formats, browser that is based on web kit engine integration etc.Today, this has become an important operating system and is highly desired by the developers in the mobile application development arena.

If you are looking to build an amazing application or planning to add some extra features in the application then you must hire an Android developer.

Daniel Carl 2018-06-12

Among the operating systems, Android enjoys the largest foothold in the market.

While the reasons are many, one must consider the ROI of app development.

The ROI of Android Apps When one thinks of ROI (returns on investment), there are several factors to consider.

Others have mobile apps developed to offer for a nominal onetime payment.

On the cost front too, it’s critical to hire the right team of Android developers.

Choosing a relatively inexperienced team may involve a lower initial payment but could cost a business dearly in the longer run.

Daniel Carl 2018-10-12

Mobile phones these days have become the main source of communication be it through calls, or various messaging apps.

Mobile application design and development refers to the process of writing various wireless and small computing devices such as tablets and smartphones.

There are various operating systems like Symbian, Android, Windows phone, iOS etc.

among which, Android and iOS are the most commonly preferred by the users.Differences between Android Mobile Application Development and Ios Mobile Application Development -Android The programming languages of any operating system is one of the biggest factors.

Another language that is used for Android is C++, it was also made for making improvements to the native application experience.The multitasking implementation present on Android lets any other program to run in the background, regardless of time.

They can also add various widgets, customize effects, change launcher and so on.iOSFor iOS, the programmers were using Objective-C until 2014, when Apple intro-duced Swift as their official language for all iOS apps.

Daniel Carl 2018-09-17

As a result, android app developers around the world are "upping their game", learning new software and scouring the market for the next best and hottest potential app idea.

To play in this competitive field, it appears that there are at least 3 important things to remember, see if you agree:1) Ease of UseThere is pretty much nothing worse than finding something you think will make your life easier to manage, only to find out you can't figure out how to make it work.

It would seem that the app developers, in their rush to the top of the app pile have convinced themselves that 'more is better', and that simply isn't true.

Simple, easy to learn apps with the fewest screen taps and entry fields will find themselves with more users, and users that actually stick around.

If the app is more complicated due to its subject, then the ease needs to be focused on easy to follow directions.2) Fix Bugs QuicklyIt usually takes a few tries before things work smoothly and without problems.

And even then, there will still be glitches here and there, and updates that need to be made.

Daniel Carl 2018-08-29
When to Choose Android First Android first bodes well in case you're target gathering of people is solidly centered around Android, particularly in creating countries or certain fragments of urban conditions. It likewise bodes well when you're taking advantage of or altering a component of Android's working framework that is not open on iOS, when you may need to choose the equipment itself that the application needs to keep running on, or when you need full control over all equipment and programming components (these two things consolidated). I don't, in any case, buy in to thought that Android gives android app developers "a chance to repeat speedier" as a result of the absence of endorsement time. Endeavoring to apply all that learning crosswise over two stages is time and cost prohibitive.For this reason specifically—and this relies upon the measure of capital raised—most beginning period new businesses today start with iOS, at that point move over to Android. When to Start with Both Platforms Beginning on the two stages is more probable going to be a thought for organizations that have more assets and are settled. In the meantime, we routinely have discussions with vast organizations or worldwide brands about if a specific stage bodes well to begin first.
Daniel Carl 2018-10-08

So far, We’ve mentioned about the characteristics of open source code platforms such as Android, and how it has contributed to economic growth and have provided more options for consumers, among other things.Apart from this contribution to the mobile app market, Android can also be considered a reference when it comes to enable people to acquire this kind of technology, in terms of affordability.Affordable Android DevicesWhether in emerging markets, where growth rate has increased in recent years as it is the case India, or in markets with more disadvantageous conditions as it is the case of certain countries from Africa (Nigeria, Ghana, Ethiopia or Kenya to name a few), Google has worked with local manufactures to offer affordable devices to users.Some devices have even been launched for less than US$100.

But there is more, In India for example, Docoss X1, one of the cheapest Android phones, came to cost 888 rupees (US$14 approximately).We cannot deny Android´s contributions in this sense.

just as we have mentioned in more than one opportunity, this favours all app ecosystem: carriers, manufactures, developers and users; which at the same time helps to innovate the app market.Competitivity of Android devicesAndroid´s goal of increasingly provide more technology to all parts of the world has a secondary effect: it makes Android a competitive platform.This is a significant situation to take advantage of, since many operating systems considered as the direct competition of Android offer high cost devices, which very few people in emerging or developing countries can afford to pay.This might be one of the reasons why Android is close to become the most popular Operating System, because, if you think about it, a smartphone it’s the first type of technology people usually get in touch with nowadays, and it can be so much meaningful in developing countries.

It helps to democratize information too.This does not mean, Low-pricing is the only thing that makes Android competitive.

In order to be in the place that Android has reached today, you must provide great products, something that Google has understood very well.

Daniel Carl 2018-09-07

Not so long ago the IT industry was diversified to such a degree that the average man in the street could easily pigeon hole most IT companies, e.g.

Microsoft was an office software corporation, Apple was a consumer electronics corporation and Google was a web services corporation.

However in the past few years leading IT companies have homogenised to such a degree that there are few differentiators and one of the main reasons behind it was the Android operating system from Google.As recently as 2007 the only products that Google produced were internet based, e.g.

Its phenomenal success persuaded Google to develop the Android operating system which was released in 2008 and ultimately used in 2010 in the Nexus One,a smartphone it made in partnership with HTC.As the Android was based on open source software, it also had to be open source and that led it being adapted by a plethora of electronic manufacturers which further fuelled the growth of smartphone market and has caused a snowball effect.

The popularity of the smartphone led to the development of the tablet and has caused a decline in the sale of PC's.

Large IT companies dependent on the PC like Microsoft, Dell and HP have reacted to its decline and all three have developed or are developing smartphones and tablets which have led to the current homogenised state in the IT industry.Where can the industry go from here, is it the end of IT companies losing their distinctive advantage?

Daniel Carl 2018-08-24

Code of AndroidAndroid App developers utilize two programming dialects to code the real piece of an Android App, to be specific Java and XML.

As an amateur, these dialects are the quintessential pre-necessities to Android App improvement, which will enable you to assemble more unique and useful apps.The studio additionally causes you fabricate applications that are adaptable and responsive over an assortment of screens and wearables.2.

Apply the right apparatuses for advancementKeeping in mind the end goal to assemble an application client's adoration, Android App Developers need to furnish themselves with the correct apparatuses.

Other than the Android Studio IDE, you can utilize Eclipse to get to instruments and get a fundamental comprehension of how to utilize them to compose better code.

Learning of Android showcase fracture and outline rulesThe Android advertise is divided with applications working on various Android gadgets going from cell phones and tablets to Android TV and Android wearables.

Selection of new programming dialect KotlinKotlin is a ground-breaking new programming dialect that can be utilized to manufacture multi-stage Android Apps.

Daniel Carl 2018-09-28

Many people interested in becoming professional app developers could be wondering which one of the major mobile operating systems is better: Android or iOS.Especially because they want to know if they should first learn to develop apps for Android devices or for iPhones.

Well, each OS has its own pros and cons and depending on what you are looking for then you´ll find which one suits best to your needs.Strictly from a buyer’s point of view, there might not be many great differences between them, mostly when many people consider that they have imitated each other so much down the years that it is almost impossible to answer which one is better.From a developer’s point of view, however, there are a few differences to take into account since each one has kept their strengths.

For practical reasons, we would like to divide them into three categories: Mobile market, Business Models, and development process.Mobile App MarketWe´ve seen before that its large market share (around 85%) is one of the main advantages of developing apps for Android.

This, given the great variety of devices that have been released as a result of Android´s open source condition.A condition that cannot be underestimated if we consider that this can increase your number of downloads and users to reach.We must also understand that users are really loyal: The Consumer Intelligence Research Partners (CIRP) did a study about mobile phone operating system consumer behavior in the US.

A follow up to users for about two years has shown that the loyalty percentage is about 91% for Android and about 86% for iOS.These figures demonstrate how users are willing to stick with a specific OS, but it also means that developers and companies need to give them reasons to stay.Business Models for Android and iOSWhen it comes to revenues and profits they have their differences too, mostly related to their users´ demographics and behavior.iPhone is generally stronger in countries with higher incomes where users are more willing to pay for a service like in the U.S., Canada, Australia or Northern Europe, for example.

Whereas Android dominates in groups with lower incomes and emerging markets like India, China or Latin America.Being its users different in their spending habits, developers must seek for different business models, as iPhones users are more likely to pay for an app and Android users are more likely to seek a freemium service, even containing ads.

Daniel Carl 2018-09-04

Circle of SixCircle of Six is made for dealing with unforeseen and unfortunate events.

Two quick taps on the phone and your friends mentioned on the application will come running for providing help.

The application will send two messages to six of the best buddies of the user.

One message will be GPS location and second to get in touch.WhatsApp (Free Application)It can be safely said that WhatsApp is the most celebrated messenger application in the cyber world.

A recent upgrade in this application has brought the concept of encrypted messaging in Android.Bandcamp (Free Application)The application Bandcamp is a big music marketplace.

It differentiates itself with other music markets with its uber cool instant streaming tool.Adobe Photoshop Express 2.0 (Free Application)Poor photos of key family events may kill all the excitement.

Daniel Carl 2018-06-18

The consumers of Generation Y are tech-savvy, mobile-loving, and are very easily distracted.

Grabbing the attention of this category of users is vital to the overall success of your digital product.

These users may determine the fate of the app economy, and so harnessing the insights of their likes and dislikes is crucial in understanding what kind of app you need to develop.

Keeping up with the latest trends in technology and maintaining simplicity in your app’s usability are significant factors while developing a mobile application.

Hiring Android app developers not only streamlines this process, but also provides your business with ideas and insights from experts who guide your app development process.

Android app developers need to build apps that are easy to use and engaging if they want to keep abreast of the competition.

Daniel Carl 2018-10-17

World is contracting with the improvement of mobile phone development.

By and by they are not used just to make calls but instead they have unlimited uses and can be used as a Camera, Music player, Tablet PC, T.V., Web program etc.

In addition, with the new advances, new programming and working structures are required.What is Android?Working Systems have developed a ton in latest 15 years.

Starting from very differentiating phones to late propelled cells or littler than regular PCs, flexible OS has come far away.

Especially for cutting edge cells, Mobile OS has phenomenally created from Palm OS in 1996 to Windows take PC in 2000 then to Blackberry OS and Android.A champion among the most comprehensively used adaptable OS these days is ANDROID.

Android is an item pack including working system and additionally middleware and key applications.

Daniel Carl 2018-10-08

So far, We’ve mentioned about the characteristics of open source code platforms such as Android, and how it has contributed to economic growth and have provided more options for consumers, among other things.Apart from this contribution to the mobile app market, Android can also be considered a reference when it comes to enable people to acquire this kind of technology, in terms of affordability.Affordable Android DevicesWhether in emerging markets, where growth rate has increased in recent years as it is the case India, or in markets with more disadvantageous conditions as it is the case of certain countries from Africa (Nigeria, Ghana, Ethiopia or Kenya to name a few), Google has worked with local manufactures to offer affordable devices to users.Some devices have even been launched for less than US$100.

But there is more, In India for example, Docoss X1, one of the cheapest Android phones, came to cost 888 rupees (US$14 approximately).We cannot deny Android´s contributions in this sense.

just as we have mentioned in more than one opportunity, this favours all app ecosystem: carriers, manufactures, developers and users; which at the same time helps to innovate the app market.Competitivity of Android devicesAndroid´s goal of increasingly provide more technology to all parts of the world has a secondary effect: it makes Android a competitive platform.This is a significant situation to take advantage of, since many operating systems considered as the direct competition of Android offer high cost devices, which very few people in emerging or developing countries can afford to pay.This might be one of the reasons why Android is close to become the most popular Operating System, because, if you think about it, a smartphone it’s the first type of technology people usually get in touch with nowadays, and it can be so much meaningful in developing countries.

It helps to democratize information too.This does not mean, Low-pricing is the only thing that makes Android competitive.

In order to be in the place that Android has reached today, you must provide great products, something that Google has understood very well.

Daniel Carl 2018-09-24

By Considering the trend of rapid development of the software market, we can say with confidence that the development of mobile apps claim to a great future because today this segment is the subject of a broad discussion.

Today, smart phones and electronic tablets have become an integral part of everyday life.

Consequently, a wide variety of applications and amendments to them are becoming increasingly popular for both leisure and business.

Regardless of whether we are dealing with friends or doing search of any information in the global network without the appropriate software is not enough.

The analytical software products, management and control systems as well as a wide variety of digital communications have become an inherent part of any modern company.Main applications of mobile software in addition to the business and leisure should be noted the presence of other areas not less urgent to develop applications.

Education and medicine, planning and management, news and geolocation, and of course social networks and blogs, these are just some of the areas in which many app developers are trying their hand today.

Daniel Carl 2018-09-07

Not so long ago the IT industry was diversified to such a degree that the average man in the street could easily pigeon hole most IT companies, e.g.

Microsoft was an office software corporation, Apple was a consumer electronics corporation and Google was a web services corporation.

However in the past few years leading IT companies have homogenised to such a degree that there are few differentiators and one of the main reasons behind it was the Android operating system from Google.As recently as 2007 the only products that Google produced were internet based, e.g.

Its phenomenal success persuaded Google to develop the Android operating system which was released in 2008 and ultimately used in 2010 in the Nexus One,a smartphone it made in partnership with HTC.As the Android was based on open source software, it also had to be open source and that led it being adapted by a plethora of electronic manufacturers which further fuelled the growth of smartphone market and has caused a snowball effect.

The popularity of the smartphone led to the development of the tablet and has caused a decline in the sale of PC's.

Large IT companies dependent on the PC like Microsoft, Dell and HP have reacted to its decline and all three have developed or are developing smartphones and tablets which have led to the current homogenised state in the IT industry.Where can the industry go from here, is it the end of IT companies losing their distinctive advantage?

Daniel Carl 2018-08-31

As it is an open source operating system, developers don't need to shell out any authentication fees for its development.

The gadgets have created a revolution and its apps are truly simple which people with basic knowledge can handle easily.Now, if we come to the pre-requisites of Android application development, a number of amazing mobile apps can be developed with the help of this open source framework.

To accomplish the customer requirements, many Android based mobile projects and apps are developed.

This operating system provides a flexible environment with Java IDEs to develop applications.The platform can be adjusted to 2-D & 3-D graphics library, based on OpenGL ES 1.0 specifications with Smartphone structure.

The Android application development is featured with - simple usage of tools, large memory space and excellent performance, high- profile development environment, supports audio, video and image formats, browser that is based on web kit engine integration etc.Today, this has become an important operating system and is highly desired by the developers in the mobile application development arena.

If you are looking to build an amazing application or planning to add some extra features in the application then you must hire an Android developer.

Daniel Carl 2018-08-24

Code of AndroidAndroid App developers utilize two programming dialects to code the real piece of an Android App, to be specific Java and XML.

As an amateur, these dialects are the quintessential pre-necessities to Android App improvement, which will enable you to assemble more unique and useful apps.The studio additionally causes you fabricate applications that are adaptable and responsive over an assortment of screens and wearables.2.

Apply the right apparatuses for advancementKeeping in mind the end goal to assemble an application client's adoration, Android App Developers need to furnish themselves with the correct apparatuses.

Other than the Android Studio IDE, you can utilize Eclipse to get to instruments and get a fundamental comprehension of how to utilize them to compose better code.

Learning of Android showcase fracture and outline rulesThe Android advertise is divided with applications working on various Android gadgets going from cell phones and tablets to Android TV and Android wearables.

Selection of new programming dialect KotlinKotlin is a ground-breaking new programming dialect that can be utilized to manufacture multi-stage Android Apps.

Daniel Carl 2018-06-12

Among the operating systems, Android enjoys the largest foothold in the market.

While the reasons are many, one must consider the ROI of app development.

The ROI of Android Apps When one thinks of ROI (returns on investment), there are several factors to consider.

Others have mobile apps developed to offer for a nominal onetime payment.

On the cost front too, it’s critical to hire the right team of Android developers.

Choosing a relatively inexperienced team may involve a lower initial payment but could cost a business dearly in the longer run.

Daniel Carl 2018-10-12

Mobile phones these days have become the main source of communication be it through calls, or various messaging apps.

Mobile application design and development refers to the process of writing various wireless and small computing devices such as tablets and smartphones.

There are various operating systems like Symbian, Android, Windows phone, iOS etc.

among which, Android and iOS are the most commonly preferred by the users.Differences between Android Mobile Application Development and Ios Mobile Application Development -Android The programming languages of any operating system is one of the biggest factors.

Another language that is used for Android is C++, it was also made for making improvements to the native application experience.The multitasking implementation present on Android lets any other program to run in the background, regardless of time.

They can also add various widgets, customize effects, change launcher and so on.iOSFor iOS, the programmers were using Objective-C until 2014, when Apple intro-duced Swift as their official language for all iOS apps.

Daniel Carl 2018-09-28

Many people interested in becoming professional app developers could be wondering which one of the major mobile operating systems is better: Android or iOS.Especially because they want to know if they should first learn to develop apps for Android devices or for iPhones.

Well, each OS has its own pros and cons and depending on what you are looking for then you´ll find which one suits best to your needs.Strictly from a buyer’s point of view, there might not be many great differences between them, mostly when many people consider that they have imitated each other so much down the years that it is almost impossible to answer which one is better.From a developer’s point of view, however, there are a few differences to take into account since each one has kept their strengths.

For practical reasons, we would like to divide them into three categories: Mobile market, Business Models, and development process.Mobile App MarketWe´ve seen before that its large market share (around 85%) is one of the main advantages of developing apps for Android.

This, given the great variety of devices that have been released as a result of Android´s open source condition.A condition that cannot be underestimated if we consider that this can increase your number of downloads and users to reach.We must also understand that users are really loyal: The Consumer Intelligence Research Partners (CIRP) did a study about mobile phone operating system consumer behavior in the US.

A follow up to users for about two years has shown that the loyalty percentage is about 91% for Android and about 86% for iOS.These figures demonstrate how users are willing to stick with a specific OS, but it also means that developers and companies need to give them reasons to stay.Business Models for Android and iOSWhen it comes to revenues and profits they have their differences too, mostly related to their users´ demographics and behavior.iPhone is generally stronger in countries with higher incomes where users are more willing to pay for a service like in the U.S., Canada, Australia or Northern Europe, for example.

Whereas Android dominates in groups with lower incomes and emerging markets like India, China or Latin America.Being its users different in their spending habits, developers must seek for different business models, as iPhones users are more likely to pay for an app and Android users are more likely to seek a freemium service, even containing ads.

Daniel Carl 2018-09-17

As a result, android app developers around the world are "upping their game", learning new software and scouring the market for the next best and hottest potential app idea.

To play in this competitive field, it appears that there are at least 3 important things to remember, see if you agree:1) Ease of UseThere is pretty much nothing worse than finding something you think will make your life easier to manage, only to find out you can't figure out how to make it work.

It would seem that the app developers, in their rush to the top of the app pile have convinced themselves that 'more is better', and that simply isn't true.

Simple, easy to learn apps with the fewest screen taps and entry fields will find themselves with more users, and users that actually stick around.

If the app is more complicated due to its subject, then the ease needs to be focused on easy to follow directions.2) Fix Bugs QuicklyIt usually takes a few tries before things work smoothly and without problems.

And even then, there will still be glitches here and there, and updates that need to be made.

Daniel Carl 2018-09-04

Circle of SixCircle of Six is made for dealing with unforeseen and unfortunate events.

Two quick taps on the phone and your friends mentioned on the application will come running for providing help.

The application will send two messages to six of the best buddies of the user.

One message will be GPS location and second to get in touch.WhatsApp (Free Application)It can be safely said that WhatsApp is the most celebrated messenger application in the cyber world.

A recent upgrade in this application has brought the concept of encrypted messaging in Android.Bandcamp (Free Application)The application Bandcamp is a big music marketplace.

It differentiates itself with other music markets with its uber cool instant streaming tool.Adobe Photoshop Express 2.0 (Free Application)Poor photos of key family events may kill all the excitement.

Daniel Carl 2018-08-29
When to Choose Android First Android first bodes well in case you're target gathering of people is solidly centered around Android, particularly in creating countries or certain fragments of urban conditions. It likewise bodes well when you're taking advantage of or altering a component of Android's working framework that is not open on iOS, when you may need to choose the equipment itself that the application needs to keep running on, or when you need full control over all equipment and programming components (these two things consolidated). I don't, in any case, buy in to thought that Android gives android app developers "a chance to repeat speedier" as a result of the absence of endorsement time. Endeavoring to apply all that learning crosswise over two stages is time and cost prohibitive.For this reason specifically—and this relies upon the measure of capital raised—most beginning period new businesses today start with iOS, at that point move over to Android. When to Start with Both Platforms Beginning on the two stages is more probable going to be a thought for organizations that have more assets and are settled. In the meantime, we routinely have discussions with vast organizations or worldwide brands about if a specific stage bodes well to begin first.
Daniel Carl 2018-06-18

The consumers of Generation Y are tech-savvy, mobile-loving, and are very easily distracted.

Grabbing the attention of this category of users is vital to the overall success of your digital product.

These users may determine the fate of the app economy, and so harnessing the insights of their likes and dislikes is crucial in understanding what kind of app you need to develop.

Keeping up with the latest trends in technology and maintaining simplicity in your app’s usability are significant factors while developing a mobile application.

Hiring Android app developers not only streamlines this process, but also provides your business with ideas and insights from experts who guide your app development process.

Android app developers need to build apps that are easy to use and engaging if they want to keep abreast of the competition.