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SEO for b2b - a comprehensive guide for 2023

SEO for b2b - a comprehensive guide for 2023

Is SEO different in B2B than in B2C? In a way, yes. Looking at the factors for Google rankings,SEO in the B2B context does not have its own rules of the game - in other words, there is no "B2B algorithm" or special optimizations that B2B sites need to rank at the top of Google.

So, in theory, the same SEO best practices apply to B2B companies as to B2C companies. In practice, however, B2B SEO is actually very different.

Search engine optimization in B2B is different from SEO in B2C in some ways. When you look at the factors that influence Google rankings, there are no specific rules or algorithms in the B2B context that B2B sites need to rank high on Google. So, in principle, the same SEO best practices apply to B2B companies as to B2C companies. In practice, however, B2B SEO is often very different.

In the B2B environment, there are some peculiarities in SEO:

Most keywords have a very low search volume.

Most keywords have a high cost-per-click (CPC).

The content is aimed at corporate decision makers rather than the general public.

The content is mainly informative and less emotional.

Keyword research for SEO in the B2B environment should be based on the funnel principle. After the target group has been precisely defined, it is important to research the appropriate keywords for the SEO strategy. The keywords should be aligned with the buyer journey or customer journey of the target group by matching them to the various phases of the buying journey.

How should keyword research for B2B SEO work?

Keyword research for SEO in the B2B environment should be aligned with the funnel principle to better understand the needs of the target audience and identify the most relevant keywords. Keywords can be divided into "Top of the Funnel" and "Bottom of the Funnel". "Top of the Funnel" refers to informational keywords where the target audience is looking for problems and solutions. 

"Bottom of the Funnel" refers to buyer keywords where the target audience is looking for opportunities to purchase specific solutions. This subdivision is especially important for niche B2B topics. Often, only product and service pages are optimized for search engines, but this is not enough if you offer niche products that require explanation. In this case, you should also rely on blog and guide content to reach the target group already in the problem research phase.

Keywords: Bottom of the Funnel (BoFu) and Top of the Funnel (ToFu)

In keyword research in the B2B environment, it is important to distinguish between "Top of the Funnel" and "Bottom of the Funnel". "Top of the Funnel" keywords refer to search terms that people are looking for who have a specific problem or need and want information about it. For example, these keywords can describe questions, problems or needs that the target audience has. They are used to grab the attention of the target audience and encourage them to read on or interact.

"Bottom of the funnel" keywords, on the other hand, refer to search terms that people are looking for and are ready (or almost ready) to buy. For example, these keywords can describe specific products or services, brands, or pricing. They are used to qualify the target audience and get them to make a buying decision. It is important to include both "top of the funnel" and "bottom of the funnel" keywords in the SEO strategy to reach and support the target audience at all stages of the buying journey.

What exactly are "top of the funnel" keywords?

"Top of the Funnel" keywords are search terms that people search for when they have a specific problem or need and want to find out more about it. For example, these keywords can describe questions, problems, or needs that the target audience has. They are used to grab the attention of the target audience and encourage them to read further or interact. "Top of the funnel" keywords refer to the initial stage of the buying journey, when the target audience is not yet ready to make a purchase decision. They are used to reach and qualify the target audience so that they become further interested in the product or service. In SEO marketing and B2B search engine optimization, these keywords are massively underrated - because they serve as the entry point for many searches.

Why is "top of the funnel" content so important for B2B companies?

"Top of the Funnel" content is important for B2B companies because it reaches and supports the target audience in the early stages of the buying journey. At this stage, the target audience is not yet ready to make a purchase decision, but is researching information to understand and solve their problem or need. "Top of the Funnel" content can be provided in the form of blog articles, how-to articles, videos, or other information sources that help the target audience better understand their problem or need and support their decision making.

Through "top of the funnel" content, B2B companies can increase their visibility and awareness in their field and convince the target audience of their capabilities and expertise. This can help the target audience perceive the company as trustworthy and knowledgeable, and think of the company again later in the buying journey. In this way, "top of the funnel" content can help B2B companies generate more traffic to their website, gain more leads, and ultimately close more deals.

B2B SEO keywords: search volume isn't everything

In B2B, companies should not only look at search volume when choosing their keywords, but also the search intent of their target audience. It's okay if a company only reaches a small target audience, as long as the content it provides is highly relevant and useful to that audience.

This is especially important in the B2B space, as B2B companies' decisions usually revolve around high budgets. In this case, it is more important for companies to convince their target audience with high-quality and relevant content and information than to reach as many users as possible. (for example, if you want to reach potential clients close to a buying decision, create content around comparisons - for example KI-Textgenerators)

Therefore, in order to find the right keywords for their SEO strategy, B2B companies should analyze their target audience carefully and find out what search terms they use and what their needs and interests are. By considering the search intent of their target audience, companies can find the right keywords and improve their visibility in search engines.

How to find B2B keywords?

B2B companies can find keywords in a number of ways. One way is to brainstorm based on their own products, solutions and customer needs. In doing so, companies should ask themselves what keywords their target audience would use if they were searching for their products, solutions or services.

Another option is to check the rankings of competitors. By reviewing the keywords used by competitors, companies can find out which search terms are relevant and important in their industry.

Last, B2B companies can also search for keywords in B2B networks and portals. These networks and portals contain a lot of information about how a company's target audience speaks and what their needs and wants are. Companies can use this information to find the right keywords for their SEO strategy.

What can a B2B SEO strategy look like?

A B2B SEO strategy that covers both types of funnel keywords might look like this:

Target group and keyword research.

First, the company should define its target audience precisely and research the most relevant keywords used by the target audience. This should include both "top of the funnel" keywords, which address the initial stage of the buying journey, and "bottom of the funnel" keywords, which address the later stage of the buying journey.

Content creation and optimization

Once the relevant keywords have been identified, the company should create and optimize content that aligns with those keywords. For example, this could be blog articles, how-to articles, videos, or other sources of information that help the target audience understand and solve their problem or need. This content should be designed to be relevant and interesting to the target audience and meet their needs.

Link building and off-page optimization.

To improve the visibility and ranking of the content in search engines, the company should also perform link-building activities and publish its content on other relevant websites. This can help the content to be discovered and shared by the target audience and the company to be perceived as trustworthy and competent.

Conversion optimization

Finally, the company should also ensure that the content on its own website is optimized to encourage the target audience to take an action, such as leaving an email address or buying a product. This can be achieved through appropriate call-to-action elements and landing pages that have the objective of encouraging the visitor to take a desired action. For conversion optimization (CR) you should work with a specialized agency that knows both webdesign + UX as well as SEO and CRO practices.

Siloing in the B2B SEO context

Siloing in the SEO context refers to structuring websites and content to ensure that search engines and users can easily understand what topics and subtopics are covered on the website. Siloing helps increase the relevance and authority of websites and content for specific keywords and improve search engine rankings.

In B2B SEO, companies can apply siloing by structuring their websites and content into thematic categories and subcategories based on the needs and interests of their target audience. For example, a company that provides software solutions for the automotive industry might divide its website into categories such as "vehicle diagnostics," "vehicle management," and "vehicle communication," and then create additional subcategories and content around those topics. This structuring makes it easy for search engines and users to understand what topics and subtopics are covered on the website.

To apply siloing in B2B SEO, companies must first define their target audience precisely and research the relevant keywords used by the target audience. These keywords can then be used as the basis for structuring the website and content.

Once the relevant keywords have been identified, companies can structure their websites into thematic categories and subcategories based on the needs and interests of their target audience. These categories and subcategories should be visible in the site's navigation and table of contents, and should be connected by internal links to show the connections and relationships between the different topics and sub-topics.

In addition, companies should also ensure that the content on their website is thematically related and belongs to the appropriate categories and subcategories

The 5 most important areas in B2B SEO

OnPage Optimization

This refers to the optimization of content and technical elements on one's website to ensure that search engines and users can easily understand and find the content. OnPage optimization can be achieved, for example, through the use of relevant keywords, internal links, user-friendly navigation and fast loading times.

OffPage optimization

This refers to improving the visibility and ranking of websites and content by publishing content on other relevant websites and gaining backlinks from other websites. OffPage optimization can be achieved, for example, through guest posts, article publishing, press releases and social media marketing.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO refers to improving the technology and architecture of a website to improve its visibility and traffic in search engines. Technical SEO includes various aspects such as reviewing website structure and navigation, optimizing website speed, and improving mobile user experience.

Content Relevance

This refers to the relevance and quality of the content on a website to the target audience and keywords used. Content relevance can be achieved, for example, by creating high-quality and informative content that is tailored to the needs and interests of the target audience.


SEO is a long-term process that requires time and patience. Companies should be prepared that it may take several months or even years to see initial results. They should therefore regularly review and adjust their SEO strategy to ensure that they stay up to date and achieve their goals. When it comes to B2B marketing, don't expect results overnight - instead, pursue sustainable strategies for the long term.

Overall, these 5 areas can help B2B companies improve their search engine visibility and generate more traffic to their website. By combining OnPage and OffPage optimization, Technical SEO, content relevance and patience, B2B companies can successfully implement their SEO strategy and achieve long-term results.

Customer- and user-centric instead of pure SEO focus

In B2B SEO, companies should take a customer-centric approach and focus on the needs and interests of their target audience. They should prepare their content and structures in such a way that they are easy for prospective customers to understand and access. This can be achieved, for example, by using simple, clear and understandable texts, interactive content and easy-to-understand navigation.

In addition, companies should also ensure that their content and information is clearly presented and easily available. This can be achieved, for example, through the use of meaningful categories and subcategories, internal links, and a user-friendly table of contents.

Overall, B2B companies should make life easy for their prospects by preparing their content and structures in a customer-centric way and making them easily available. By doing so, they can improve their visibility in search engines, generate more traffic to their website, and ultimately close more deals.

B2B SEO Topics from Customer Conversations 

Even in B2B SEO, customer conversations can provide valuable information and ideas for developing SEO strategies. Companies should therefore regularly conduct customer conversations to find out which topics and content are relevant and interesting for their target group. As a B2B SEO agency, we deal intensively with what questions potential customers ask themselves and what needs they want to fulfill.

Through customer interviews, for example, companies can find out what problems and needs their customers have, what search terms they use and what information they are looking for. This information can then be incorporated into the company's SEO strategy to ensure that website content and structures are aligned with the needs and interests of the target audience.

Customer conversations can also help businesses strengthen their relationships with their customers and build their brand. Through regular conversations, companies can better understand their customers and provide them with relevant and useful information and content. 

In summary, customer conversations are worthwhile in B2B SEO as they can provide valuable information and ideas for developing SEO strategies. Companies should therefore conduct regular customer conversations and incorporate the input from these conversations into their SEO strategy to ensure that their content and structures are aligned with the needs and interests of their target audience. Customer conversations can also help companies strengthen their relationships with their customers and build their brand.

B2B SEO and its specifics

In the B2B sector, there are some peculiarities that should be taken into account when developing SEO strategies. First, the decision-making process of B2B companies often involves several people, between 6 and 10 people. This means that the content and information companies provide on their websites must be relevant and interesting to different decision makers.

Overall, B2B companies should consider the specifics of the B2B space when developing their SEO strategies and ensure that their content and information is relevant and useful to the needs and interests of their target audience. By adapting their SEO strategies to the specifics of the B2B space, companies can improve their search engine visibility and ultimately succeed. If you are looking for strategies and solutions to make your business more visible in Google, contact us now. In a free initial B2B SEO consultation, we will address your situation, objectives and the exact measures that will put you ahead.

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