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Revanta Officers Boulevard A Better Place to Live

Revanta Officers Boulevard
Revanta Officers Boulevard A Better Place to Live

Home is an asset for the people to enjoy the pleasant and calm life. Revanta Group offers the best residential and housing projects. Revanta Officers Boulevard is one of the leading developers in the national capital region and offers the stunning home at a great price. Officers Boulevard represents luxurious and affordable in the NCR region.

Revanta Boulevard delivers the expected project that meets the needs and requirements of the property seeker. Its main motto is to give the project at the right time to the customer.

People can get all the things on a single roof. Here they construct the residential building that holds the modern and stunning architecture. They understand the need of the customer and their living option.

You can enjoy a pleasant lifestyle with the best in a class project.

What Facilities Does Officers Boulevard Provide?


The proposal for facilitating healthcare resources to meet the requirements of the people.

Sports facilities

A new sports facility has been provided in a hierarchy of divisional sports center/golf course, district sports center, and community sports center

Safety & security

The adequate number of police stations /police posts and police lines shall be provided for the people staying in Revanta Group.

Features Provided by the Officers Boulevard


  1. Double bed with mattress and pillow sofa.
  2. Designer light fittings.
  3. Study table with chairs.
  4. Cupboards
  5. Geyser in the bathroom.

Lifestyle gadgets

  1. Air condition.
  2. Refrigerator
  3. Electric kettle.
  4. Food processor.
  5. Hairdryer
  6. Wall clock.
Revanta Officers Boulevard
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