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Making a Compost Bin: How to Build One At Home

WM Group
Making a Compost Bin: How to Build One At Home

Manufacturers have come up with multiple products these days to simplify the compost-making process. Many people choose to use garden tumblers or other composters to simplify the process. But you can do it the old-fashioned way and make a compost bin. Here's how to build one at home.

Keep in mind that a compost bin needs to have sufficient room so that you can add enough materials to keep the pile cooking. As decomposition takes place, heat is given off, and having enough mass ensures that the pile will continue to work correctly. Also, this makes for more efficient production, so you get finished compost more quickly.

You need a minimum of three feet tall, and three feet wide and deep, although you can make it bigger than that. Any smaller, and you will need to use an alternate method, like a tumbler or worm bin.

You'll also need to be able to access the bin in order to add materials or shovel out your paydirt. Commercial systems have removable walls, sections, or doors for easy access. Think ahead to how you will do this. Will you need to lean over a wall in order to get to your compost? Will you be able to completely dismantle your bin and move it to another area?

You can choose to make a fully collapsible bin very easily with a ring of material such as wire and posts. Set it up where you want to make your pile, and fill it with raw compostables. When it is time to turn the pile or get the finished compost, just take it apart and reset it elsewhere.

Another easy style is to make a square. Each wall can be built out of something like leftover metal fencing, held in place with stakes, or tied together at the corners with wire. You can also build simple frames from wood, with chicken wire stapled to them. Connect them at the corners with hooks and eyes. Keep the wire side of the frame on the inside, where you will add your compostables.

The same idea can be applied with discarded wooden pallets. Grocery stores and warehouses often throw away the shipping pallets that merchandise is shipped and transported on. Be careful when using them, because the lumber grade is very low, so there are a lot of chips and splinters you can get stuck on. Again, find a way to connect them at the corners.

So if you are looking to make a compost bin, there are a couple ideas for you to help you build one at home. Use your creativity and be willing to modify your design, once you've used it for awhile, if necessary. Then jump in and make some dirt.

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