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Best ways to develop Artificial Intelligence strategy in every business

venkat k
Best ways to develop Artificial Intelligence strategy in every business

Artificial intelligence has the potential to transform every business — in the same way, and possibly more as the internet has utterly transformed the way we do business. From smarter products and services to better business decisions and optimized or even automated business processes, AI has the power to change almost everything. Those businesses that don’t capitalize on the transformative power of AI risk being left behind.

Business strategy

Creating an AI strategy for the sake of it won’t produce great results. To get the most out of AI, it must be tied to your business strategy and your big-picture strategic goals. That’s why the first step in any AI strategy is to review your business strategy.

Strategic AI priorities

Now that you’re absolutely clear on where your business is headed, you can begin to identify how AI can help you get there.

Short-term AI adoption priorities

Transforming products, services or processes is never going to be an overnight task. It may take some time to deliver the use cases you’ve identified. For that reason, I find it helps to also identify a few (as in, no more than three) AI quick wins — short-term AI priorities that will help you demonstrate value and gain buy-in for bigger AI projects.

Data strategy

AI needs data to work. Lots and lots of data. Therefore, you need to review your data strategy in relation to each AI use case and pinpoint the key data issues.

Ethical and legal issues

Let’s not beat around the bush: the idea of super-intelligent machines freaks people out. It’s therefore crucial that you apply AI in a way that’s ethical and above board.

Technology issues

Here you identify the technology and infrastructure implications of the decisions you’ve made so far.

Skills and capacity

For those companies who aren’t Facebook or Google, accessing AI skills can be a real challenge. Therefore, this step is about reviewing your in-house AI skills and capabilities, and working out where you need a skills injection.

venkat k
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