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Treatment with Functional Medicine

Regenera Medical
Treatment with Functional Medicine

In today’s modern world combined with fast paced life is triggering a wide range of diseases. The conventional forms of treatment is yielding results but may or may not be same useful in the long run. Apart from these methods another method has started to enter our world of treating ailments: The Functional Medicine.



Functional Medicine:  as the name goes is a treatment procedure aimed at studying the bodily function of an individual, and diagnosing the root cause of an ailment. The treatment plan is tailor made according to the body requirements of the individual. Each symptom orone symptom may be one of the many factors responsible for an illness. This individual approach to diseases is based on research on nutritional science, epigenetic sand genomics. The proponents claim that any disease is a result of interaction between environmental, endocrinal and gastrointestinal factors and thus the treatment should also be planned based on these factors.


Jeffrey Bland, chemist is the founder of Functional Medicine. While searching for a Functional Medicine doctor near me,I came across Functional Medicine doctor LA,  and found that there are quite a number of institutes providing this service. Typically, a Functional Medicine institute provides treatment specializing in head and brain treatment, skin and hair treatment, thyroid imbalance, stomach and colon issues, tissues, energy and metabolism as we’ll s bone issues.



The three basic tools used to apply the Functional Medicine approach are Functional Medicines Matrix, GOTOIT framework and timeline. This tool formalizes history noting and individual mapping process to reach the root of illness. The institutes providing Functional Medicine treatment also has a wide array of services to offer like blood culture, allergy testing, and expertise in solving gut, brain and autoimmune diseases. Many people who have been treated there also provide testimony to their excellent services. Functional Medicine practitioners find a relation between gut health and brain function. This form of treatment is based on the notion of antecedents, triggers and mediators. A practitioner of Functional Medicine will devise a matrix from these data to create a basis for treating patients.


The matrix is developed on the basis of personal, social, family and medical history. The practitioner organizes and prioritizes health issues of the concerned individual.

Timeline also has a unique contribution towards this treatment; it takes previous life impact also in consideration, along with this lifespan that is from preconception to present day, to motivate and encourage the patient to participate in his own treatment.


GOTOIT stands for Gather, Organize, Tell, Order, Initiate and Track.

Functional Medicine LA has a bright future given a good social media planning and informing people about its impact.

Regenera Medical
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