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What is NeuroMarketing?

MarTech Cube
What is NeuroMarketing?

Chances are you might have come across the term neuromarketing many times by now. You might have heard about people conducting research to analyze what makes an advertisement successful, or that some organizations like to use techniques to make you subconsciously purchase a bunch of things you don’t require.

Let us take some time to concentrate on what neuromarketing is, how it is utilized by organizations, and the impact it has on the field of marketing. Neuromarketing as a term was first introduced in the year 2002, but interest in the human brain for marketing purposes was already present in the year 1900 martech.

It was around this time that researchers working for companies like Coca Cola investigated the neural activity and analyzed brain scans when customers viewed ads or interacted with products.

The promise of viewing inside the minds of people to see what makes them purchase was, and still is, a highly desired prospect for researchers and marketing professionals alike. But what is neuromarketing?

How Neuromarketing Works?

As it’s a broad field of science, neuromarketing does not ‘work’ in one certain way. Instead, it’s about both understanding how the mind of a customer works and learning to act on that. The field of neuromarketing targets to bring the field of neuroscience, psychology and marketing together. It stands at the cutting edge where science meets marketing.

Yet, the minds of customers work in complicated methods, and how they work is often not a matter of ‘how’ however ‘under what particular conditions’. Basically, there is science behind what individuals do and think and neuromarketing professionals aim to know how to utilize this to their benefits.

In any case, to do utilize neuromarketing effectively, marketing professionals require either knowledge about these things or the capability to collect this knowledge themselves. Fortunately for most neuromarketing experts, they don’t need to be completely attached to the latter option.

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