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How to Be More Masculine in a Hyper Feminine World

dakota spencer

We live in a world caught between two extremes. In one breath, we eschew and vilify masculinity and traditionally “manly” virtues, labeling them as “toxic” and detrimental to society. Yet in another, we revel in them. Subconsciously pining for a resurgence in traditional masculinity.

We are enamored with the classically masculine archetypes that proliferate our favorite movies, books, and TV shows (think Jon Snow, Don Draper, Hank Moody, and Captain America).

The blood in our veins rips at the sight of a vicious knockout in the UFC and, as we watch the victor leap to the top of the cage with his arms held high in the air, we can’t help but imagine ourselves standing in his place…the taste of blood on our lips, the deafening roar of the crowd filling our ears, and the inner confidence of knowing that we are capable of handling ourselves in conflict.

Yet all of our imagining does little to change the way we feel and show up in life.

Despite our desire to “be the man”, to feel strong, accomplished, and powerful…our desires are left unmet. We are not the hero of our lives so we allay our growing sense of emasculation by watching other hero’s through a steady stream of action movies, video games, and extreme sports. 

The reason is simple…

Men today are lost. In the famous words of Bob Dylan, “The times, they are a-changing.” And modern men have failed to evolve with the changing times.

As feminism has given rise to unprecedented equality men are faced with a growing and inescapable sense of obsolescence.

Men aren’t needed in the way that we once were and, our seeming lack of utility has left men wondering, “What the hell am I supposed to do now?” We no longer have clear roles in society and men all over the world want to know how to be more masculine and even if it’s okay.

Women are graduating from college at higher rates than men, landing high-paying careers, able to provide for themselves easily without a man, are starting their own companies (some becoming self-made billionaires like Sarah Blakely and Kylie Jenner), and even running for President of the United States (Hilary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris).

These feats, unimaginable only a decade ago, are indeed good things. And this is in no way a call to regress to the “Good old days” of the past where a woman’s sole purpose was that of the dutiful housewife…

…Simply an acknowledgment that this unprecedented rise in equality and opportunity has created unforeseen and largely unaddressed problems for modern men.

Our physical strength once necessary to protect others from the hidden dangers of life on earth is no longer needed…

Our capacity as providers of resources and security is no longer needed…

Men are today more than ever before confused about what it means to be a man (let alone an attractive man) and what our role is in our rapidly changing society.

From a young age, we are told to be quiet, sit still, follow the rules, listen to mommy, obey the teacher and avoid any display of aggression, talking back or acts of “masculinity”. Not only are we not taught how to be a masculine man (or how to be masculine at all), but we are actively discouraged from seeking these answers for ourselves.

Doctors give us drugs for any minor symptoms which then sedate our lust for adventure and ability to create heroic lives. Teachers disparage us for our inability to sit still and pay attention and encourage us to fit in like the rest of the class, stick to the status quo, and avoid standing out. Parents tell us to “play it safe”, avoid taking risks, and “be grateful” for what is – a mundane and muted existence. 

We live in a hyper-feminized world where feelings matter more than facts…where agreeableness is lauded and assertiveness is criticized…where comfort and safety are prioritized and courageous and uncommon action are seen as unnecessary and even childish risks that endanger the “common” way of life.

Throughout most of our lives, our very souls have been quietly and systematically castrated, causing us to enter adulthood as little more than boys in adult bodies, well into our 30s, 40s, 50s and beyond.

At every turn, men have unknowingly been gradually feminized and emasculated…and it’s quite literally, killing us.

Suicide, depression, and anxiety among men are at the highest levels ever (source).

But we aren’t doing much about it, especially for men.

Instead of accepting the new challenges in our post-masculine world and fostering a new type of masculinity…most men opt for one of two extremes.

We either relegate ourselves to lives of quiet desperation, playing the role of the overly sensitive, submissive, “nice guy” with no backbone, no courage, and no drive. To wither away our lives in silence, knowing that we are not the heroes of our story and living on the sidelines as we watch others–in the form of movies, TV, and social media–take up the mantle of greatness.

Or we assume a type of “neo-masculinity” vilifying the feminine, blaming women for our problems, and grouping together into vitriolic groups (like Incels, The Red Pill, and MGTOW) and push the eject button to opt-out of mainstream society.

But what if there was a third option?

A new type of masculinity that marries together the best parts of the masculine and feminine energies. A type of masculinity that allowed men to reclaim their power…Not so they can assert their superiority over women…but so they can work with women to create a better future for the modern world.

I believe this type of masculinity is possible.

And watching my video training on becoming a stronger grounded man, doubling your confidence, reclaiming your personal power and working with a results oriented mentor will greatly help too. You can watch it here.

And today, not only will I teach you how to be more masculine and how to be manly…but I’m going to flip everything you’ve ever been told on its head and teach you why authentic masculinity is more important today than ever before and why you must achieve it to live your best life.

Redefining Modern Masculinity: How to Be More Masculine in an Authentic and Healthy Way 

how to be masculine

Masculinity is under attack, and with good reason.

For millennia, unchecked masculine impulses wreaked havoc on our societies, causing wars, bigotry, and in some cases the near-annihilation of modern civilization (think: The Cuban Missile Crisis).

And in our postfeminism world, things haven’t gotten much better.

Pick up artists, the “manosphere” wannabe tough guys, and gym bros have bastardized the concept of masculinity to the point where it seems all but impossible to agree on what it actually means to be a man.

When most people hear the phrase, “Masculine”, their mind is drawn to characters like James Bond, Don Draper, the Dos Equis man. Narcissistic and arrogant men who are willing to do anything and everything they can to achieve their goals, regardless of who they hurt or how much pain they inflict.

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