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5 Ways Ecommerce Advertisers Can Brace for a Bumpy October on Amazon

MarTech Cube
5 Ways Ecommerce Advertisers Can Brace for a Bumpy October on Amazon

Tod Harrick from CommerceIQ puts light on the importance of leveraging Amazon Prime Day & showcases ways how Ecommerce Advertisers Can prepare themselves.

In 2019, Amazon’s Prime Day event drove $7 billion in sales on Amazon and a 66% increase in sales across all eCommerce retailers. With holiday sales overall driving a 40% increase in eCommerce. With Amazon’s Prime Day officially set for Oct. 13-14 and early Black Friday slated for Oct. 26, October is kicking off the busiest ecommerce holiday season on record. This concentration of the two biggest eCommerce drivers of the year in one month presents a unique opportunity for advertisers, which could prove to be a challenging and hectic month. October is clearly in the crosshairs for many retailers.

The halo effect of Prime Day on long-term consumer behavior is real.

Amazon adds hundreds of thousands of new Prime members during the event every year, and those Prime members spend more than twice as much as non-Prime members. This year, Prime will (for the first time) have competition for driving consumer loyalty and lifetime value, as Walmart rolls out its “Walmart +” offering that includes free shipping, gas discounts, and preferred click & collect scheduling (although it can’t match Prime’s streaming media offerings). But, Walmart+ must be taken seriously. 48% of regular online shoppers were either somewhat or very likely to join Walmart+, and even those already signed up with Amazon Prime were interested with 42% of respondents expressing interest in joining.

With that kind of consumer demand, brands will be flooding Amazon with ads in October. Knowing when and how to leverage Prime Day and Early Black Friday to gain advantageous positioning will be critical if brands want their products to surface to the top and capture a greater share of the increased online demand.

E-Commerce Tips for a Hectic October

Consumers will for sure flock to Amazon, which brought in $75 billion in sales revenue in the first quarter of 2020. The question is, how much busier will it get this October, with COVID-19 nudging holiday buyers online?
Navigating this hectic October requires a different approach to ecommerce advertising. Here’s how I think you can do it.
1. Eyes on the prize. What’s the prize here? Organic Share of Voice, rather than Return on Ad Spend (ROAS), is the best measure of success in ecommerce advertising. While ROAS tells an advertiser how efficient their spend is right now, organic share of voice shows how much a brand can sell moving forward. It provides a more accurate view of advertising performance, and a better guide for determining strategy. For example, SOV helps advertisers understand which products not to promote because they are already low on inventory. Likewise, if a product is performing well via organic searches, additional promotion could dry up inventory in a hurry. With SoV as a metric, advertisers can allocate resources where there are new opportunities.

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