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Understanding the Return to Work Program

Affordable Evaluations
Understanding the Return to Work Program

What happens when you have an employee who is mandatory to take the Dot drug and alcohol test and the test comes positive? As an employer, you are legally required to remove that employee from any safety sensitivity and purpose. You can refer that employee to local or DOT qualified substance abuse professionals. You do not have to pay for treatment and evaluation. You cannot put your employee back on the job until he/she completes the return to duty dot process under the guidance of the SAP. But exactly what does this return to duty process involve?

How to Return to Duty Process Work

The processes always begin with an evaluation. The employee will meet with the SAP face to face and SAP will evaluate the nature of an individual to how much extent with drug and alcohol problems. It may be helpful as SAPs are the clinical professionals who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of addiction. Even they have received special recognition from the DOT and besides they maintain key professional credentials and submit the latest education and information about addiction treatment. As we can say, they are truly leaders in the field of addiction care. Once the treatment is completed he/she will meet the SAP again. The SAP will declare whether the employee is fit to return to duty or not.

The Timeline to Return to Duty Dot

The employee and the employer both will want to know how long this process will take and unfortunately there is no easy answer here. It is really up to the SAP who may recommend varied treatments for different individuals, depending on the nature and the extent of the substance used by his/her. Initially, full patient treatment can typically take many months to recover but this doesn't mean that this process for every employee who tested positive for drugs or alcohol.

7 Steps to Return to Work Program Follow a Dot Testing Abuse

If a driver fails in DOT testing or engages in any other prohibited drugs or alcohol behavior, his/her driving career undergoes specific steps in rehabilitation and treatment until it is completed.

• Immediate response to DOT violations.
• SAP evaluation.
• Education and treatment.
• Second SAP evaluation.
• SAP report.
• Negative return to duty test.
• Continued monitoring.

Additional Recovery Options from Experience Recovery to Return to Work

If your employee needs the return to work program in the country or your area. Make sure to give us a call. We provide customized treatments for those who struggle with drug and alcohol addiction. We have ample experience in treating working professionals. We provide treatment programs that get the employee back to work as soon as possible. Learn more about our Return to Work Program by contacting our experienced team directly.

Affordable Evaluations
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