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What You Need to Know About Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) Systems

Alina Mark
What You Need to Know About Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) Systems

VRF systems are attracting the attention of many as the preferred HVAC system for residential, commercial and industrial applications. These systems feature multiple zone flexible instllat6ions and lack ductwork. For this reason, they come in handy where space is limited making it the perfect choice for existing building HVAC system retrofits.


If you’re looking forward to investing in a VRF system, then it is in your best interest that you understand what they are about. Lucky enough, we are here to offer a helping hand. In this article, we will take you through some of the things you probably did not know about the VRF system. Keep on reading to find out more.


Methods of VRF Outdoor Ventilation Air

Before going any further, it is imperative that you know about the common methods of VRF outdoor ventilation air.  Some of the most notable methods you need to know about include Dedicated outdoor air system (DOAS) and Exhaust Recovery Ventilator (ERV). To give you a tip of the iceberg, the DOAS is an air handling unit that filters and conditions 100% outdoor air which is distributed throughout a building as ventilation air.


Things tend to be different with the ERV as it makes use of building exhaust air to pre-condition inbound building ventilation. This in turn recovers some of the energy that otherwise would have been lost. Be sure to factor in the pros and cons of these methods before deciding on one.


Where to Buy

With VRF system, you don’t have to go through a lot just become you want to make a purchasing decision. With what the internet has to offer, you can now place an order from the comfort of your home and have it delivered within the shortest time possible. That’s not to say you should make a purchasing decision blindly since there are a number of factors you ought to consider before parting with your hard-earned money.


These are just but some of the things you ought to know before you finally invest in the VRF system.

Alina Mark
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