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Important points in beard implantation should be considered

neda afshar
Important points in beard implantation should be considered


Important points in beard implantation should be considered

If you decide to grow a beard or mustache, there are some things you need to know. At the end of this article you can answer the following questions:

What is the meaning of hair transplant or transplant?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of beard and mustache implants?

How much does the treatment cost?

Are you a good candidate for planting?

What can be expected from beard and mustache implants?

What are the features of the best head and face hair transplant clinic?




Cause of hair loss in the beard and mustache area

Beard and mustache problems are seen in men in three general ways:

In most men, parts of the face (such as the lips) do not have a beard, but other parts have a good density, for example, the chin is full of hair.

Some men have full beards and mustaches, but with low density and weak hair. These people generally cannot lift their beards and mustaches.

Few men generally do not have a beard or mustache, which can be genetic, congenital or acquired.


We can solve these problems by implanting a beard and mustache, of course, if you are a good candidate for this method.



But what is the cause of weakness in beard and mustache hair? The fact is that there are many possible causes for the thinness of your beard and mustache. It's good to know these causes, but the treatment for all of them is almost the same: beard and mustache implants.



Here are some of the most important reasons:

1) Genetic factors

Hereditary or genetic factors are probably the most important reasons why beards and mustaches are thin. If your grandparents had thick beards and thick mustaches, it probably will be the same for you. If the situation is the opposite, you will most likely not have a thick beard and mustache. Of course, the condition of the beard and mustache in the mother's family is also important.



When we say something is hereditary or genetic, we mean that there is no drug that can change the situation. At present, beard and mustache implants are the only solution we have. Medications, lotions, serums, mesotherapy and other methods can not grow your beard and mustache like a divine miracle! So do not be deceived by false advertisements and empty claims.



2) Hormones

Hormones can be a factor in the decline of beards and mustaches. Testosterone is a hormone that has a vital effect on beard and mustache hair growth. One of the body's sex hormones, also known as the male sex hormone. Of course, women also make this hormone, but it is secreted more in men.



The production and secretion of testosterone increases during puberty in men. You must have seen and experienced that boys' beards and mustaches gradually become thicker at puberty. Some applicants for beard and mustache implants are those whose bodies produce less testosterone.



Testosterone in the skin is converted to the hormone DHT or dihydrotestosterone. DHT has the same effects as testosterone on the follicles, but because it is a topical hormone and stays in the tissue for a long time, it has more effects on the hair than testosterone. There is an enzyme in our skin called 5 alpha reductase (5AR) that converts testosterone to DHT. Inhibitors of this enzyme (such as finasteride) are used to treat male pattern hair loss.



DHT causes hair loss and hair growth in other parts of the body in people with inherited hair loss (androgenetic alopecia). Therefore, if the 5AR enzyme is low or DHT production is reduced for any other reason, the hair on the back and the hair on the face will be shorter. Some applicants for beards and mustaches are those who have less enzyme 5 alpha reductase in their body.


3) Injuries and diseases

For skin injuries and skin diseases, they can cause temporary or permanent baldness in the beard and mustache areas. Some of these are:




Wounds and scars



Surgical operations such as cleft palate surgery


Folliculitis (inflammation of the follicles)



Of course, beard and mustache loss due to the above cases is not always permanent, but if it is permanent, the only way to improve the condition is to grow a mustache beard.



In addition, alopecia areata or alopecia areata can cause hair loss and thinning hair. Hair loss in alopecia areata (usually on the scalp or beard) is usually temporary but recurring periodically. Baldness due to alopecia areata can not be treated with implants.



4) Lifestyle


We all know that we need to get enough sleep, eat healthy foods, exercise and reduce our stress levels. These are important for the general health of your body as well as the growth of your beard and mustache. In the case of diet, the vitamins biotin and niacin can affect the growth of beards, mustaches and hair. These vitamins are found in foods such as eggs, avocados, milk, fish and sunflower seeds and are good to include in your diet.



Guide for beard and mustache implant applicants



What is a hair transplant?


Hair transplantation is a method in which follicles are transferred from one area of the body to another. Follicles are small organs in the skin that make up hair.



For example, in hair transplantation, we remove the follicles from the back of the head, from the beard or from the chest and plant them in front of the head and areas with hair loss. We do the same in implanting beards and mustaches. We remove the follicles from the back of the head (hair bank) and transplant them in the face (recipient area).





The difference between natural and artificial hair transplants


Natural hair transplants, wherever they are in the body, have a brilliant advantage: it is the follicle that is implanted in the recipient area, not a natural or artificial hair. This means that in the years after the implant, the implanted hair grows, you can cut it short or try different models of beards and mustaches. Also, because we use loss-resistant follicles for implantation, the implanted areas usually do not experience hair loss for the rest of their lives.



Advantages and disadvantages of beard and mustache implants


Having a thick beard and mustache has many beauty benefits. In addition, the cultural and social conditions in our country and other Middle Eastern countries are such that it is important for men to grow a beard (or at least the ability to grow a beard and mustache). However, the reality is that all over the world, men with thick beards and mustaches look more masculine.


Let's skip the advantages of having a thick beard and mustache and look at the advantages and disadvantages of hair transplants in these areas:





The only real cure. Hair transplantation is the only permanent and effective treatment for hair loss in various areas of the body, including the face and head.



High success rate. Between 70% and 100% of grafts are successfully implanted in healthy skin. This rate is between 40 and 70% for damaged skin.



No pain and surgery. Hair transplantation anywhere on the body is painless, bleeding and requires stitches. Of course, we have methods that are more aggressive and we will explain in the following.



· Fast recovery. Today's methods of hair transplantation are less invasive and less painful. Redness, inflammation and swelling of the face are some of the natural side effects of implants that go away in a few days. You can start your daily activities from about the second day, although it is better to take a few days off.



Your beard and mustache are growing. As mentioned, implanted hair grows and you can shave it to your liking.


Suitable candidate


In general, all men who want to have a natural and thick beard and mustache can grow a beard and mustache. The fact that you are a good candidate for this method will be fully examined in the consultation session.



Suitable candidates for beard and mustache implants are:


Gentlemen with good general health.


People with short beards and mustaches, parts of their beards or mustaches are bald or congenitally do not have beards and mustaches.


Those who have the right expectations from facial hair transplantation and are familiar with the limitations and side effects of this treatment.



Does beard implants hurt?


The only step that may be a little painful is to inject anesthesia into the face. Other procedures are performed without pain and under local anesthesia. The healing power of the facial skin is very high and the minor injuries caused during the implantation stage are repaired quickly, even faster than the scalp. The skin usually heals completely by three or four days after the beard and mustache implant.



Beard implantation process:


The method of beard implantation is that before implantation, the hair preparation stage, which includes washing the donor area, which is generally the best area for donation behind the head or sides of the head, from ear to ear. Then in this area, using The scalp is anesthetized with local anesthesia. The grafts are extracted using special needles for the super-implantation machine, and after the end of the removal, the areas from which the hair is removed will be closed using an antiseptic coating. This step takes between one and three hours, but generally the duration of this step depends on the number of grafts required.



The next step is to place the hair. Before doing this, the places where the grafts should be implanted have been identified. Then, according to these areas, very small incisions are made on the skin and the hair grafts with a regular pattern and in accordance with Other hairs are implanted based on the density of the beard. This step can also take between 1 and 3 hours.



In most hair transplants, the surgeon removes the hair from the back of the head, called the donor area, and implants it where needed. The hair in this area of the head is very strong and usually has the ability to be implanted.



However, not all patients have enough hair in these donor areas, and some may not even have hair on the scalp. In such cases, body hair such as the arms, thighs, and chest is best removed and implanted in the affected areas. Sometimes a patient does not have hair on these parts of the body, in which case hair is removed from other parts of the face and implanted in other areas of the face.



Beard implants are only effective in men who only do not have a beard. Therefore, patients with Alopecia areata, for example, who have no hair anywhere on their body, are not eligible for this procedure.



What is a beard implant and how can it be done?


The beauty of beard and mustache transplants, also known as beard transplants, mustache transplants or needle transplants, will be a type of cosmetic hair transplant. In the Beard transplant cosmetic procedure, as in the cosmetic procedure of hair transplantation, the specialist doctor will use the FUE method for natural beard transplantation. In this method, the specialist doctor separates the hair follicles from the donor points behind and implants them at the recipient points using special needles.



One of the positive points of cosmetic surgery for beards and mustaches will be the absence of any stitches on the skin; Because in the FUE method, there is no suturing process because the skin follicles on the back of the head are completely separated from this area and implanted in the beard or mustache area. As a result, you will experience less pain both during and after the beard transplant.




Many people are worried about how to have a natural beard transplant and think that the beauty of beard and mustache implants will be a difficult task; In this regard, it should be said that this cosmetic procedure will take only 2 to 3 hours. Do not worry about the pain of your operation because local anesthesia will be used for cosmetic surgery of beard and mustache, so you will not feel any pain during implantation. Although cosmetic surgery for a natural beard will not be a complicated procedure, there will be a possibility of error, so it is better to get the necessary information about the clinic and specialist doctor before choosing your 100% doctor, and then proceed to implant a beard and mustache.



Preparation and care before beard and mustache transplantation


Although the recovery period after cosmetic beard and mustache implantation is an important period and one should research and inquire about how to spend it, the period before beard implantation is also important and will be effective in the end result. Here are some do's and don'ts of natural beard transplantation:



Plan how to return home after a natural beard and mustache implant. During the beautiful operation of natural beard and mustache implantation, you will be injected with a kind of anesthetic and sedative, which it is better not to drive alone and not to walk.



• Lift your hair. It is best to lift your hair up to 2 inches so that it appears on your face when your scalp hair is used for beards and mustaches.



• Take vitamin C and vitamin K. These vitamins will help you heal. It is recommended to consume 1000 to 2000 mg of foods and fruits containing vitamin C daily. Vitamin K also prevents excessive bleeding

Important points to consider when growing a beard


Newly transplanted hair follicles grow like normal hair and will last forever.



• Transplanted hair will naturally retain its previous characteristics and will not have hair loss and will not follow the pattern of hair loss or thinning hair in the area where it is implanted and will remain constant.



In addition to men who do not grow their beards or mustaches genetically, men whose parts of their beards are less dense or parts of which are hollow are the most suitable candidates for this procedure.



• Natural beard implants are very suitable for people who do not grow a part of their facial hair due to the presence of scars or burns or surgical sutures on the face. By doing this, the wounds, burns and stitches can be covered with hair transplants and protected from exposure.



• Beard implants are very suitable for people who like to have a slightly shaved chin and people who like to have a beautiful and distinct beard line but their facial hair is short and scattered.



• Beard implants can be done for people who want to change the pattern of full or short hair on their face. This can change the shape and form of a person's face.



Benefits of beard implantation by FUE, SUT method

Beards and mustaches have a completely natural appearance.

In terms of the cost of implanting beards and mustaches, this method is more suitable and cost-effective.

After implanting a beard, a person can shave, lift or trim his beard or mustache from the bottom.

Increase the attractiveness and beauty of the person in the eyes of others.

Covering skin imperfections and accidents in the beard and mustache area.

This technique has no dangerous side effects and the implantation is done on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia without anesthesia.




Donated hair for facial hair transplant

Donated hair is detached from the scalp and usually grows in its new bed just like natural facial hair with the same characteristics and can be shaved like any other facial hair. Sometimes the hair most similar to facial hair is around the head and sometimes the hair on the back of the head. After the transplant, the hair will be permanent. To achieve a natural look, hair is grafted into grafts consisting of one or two strands of hair, depending on how the natural facial hair grows. Other steps that can be taken to make the surgical result more natural include placing the grafts in the correct angle and direction, using microscopic grafts that can be placed in the smallest incisions of the skin to leave the least scar on the skin, and Aesthetically, any gray hair in the restored area should be well dispersed. Note that these hair transplants can no longer be used for scalp transplants, and if the patient wishes to repair any possible male pattern baldness in the future, he or she will have less hair for this surgery. .


Drpakdelclinic: Source link

neda afshar
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