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ServiceNow Training Online

Preethi Datrik
ServiceNow Training Online

ServiceNow Training gives you the top tier intelligent online meetings to dominate the subject and clear ServiceNow Certified Implementation Specialist (CIS) accreditation. HKR Trainings with a group of confirmed working experts has customized the course prospectus to guarantee total information to be conveyed in the instructional meetings. ServiceNow course covers significant modules of IT setup, client organization, information the executives, application handling, work processes, cycle and administration organization which assists with actualizing Platform-as-a-administration. 

              HKR Trainings trusts in conveying subject through practicals and subsequently gives two continuous live activities to improve the ServiceNow information. A course culmination endorsement as a badge of commendation is given to the learners who have effectively finished their ServiceNow Online preparing from HKR Trainings.


- Lifetime LMS & Faculty Access

- Access To An Online Community Forum

- Customised Course Creation

Preethi Datrik
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