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Why Advanced Medicine Marketplace?

Simona Balinisteanu
Why Advanced Medicine Marketplace?

A nexgen digital marketplace built on Bockchain.. an emerging sharing economy.. 4 unique technology megatrends combined.. finally a way to secure and privatize your Human Identity! Join the 4th Industrial Revolution!

I am thrilled to be a Micropreneur with CrowdPoint Technologies! I found a way to reclaim my health and wealth autonomy, my time, and improve my finances. At the same time, I'm making a positive impact on people's lives and changing the current broken system, where only the few get to benefit from cutting-edge technology. No more!

The Blockchain Ecosystem is creating a new business model and a sharing economy, where everyone can thrive in prosperity and achieve wealth freedom, not just the few. A strong economic model creates a strong democracy!

So what are the 4 unique technologies that will lead to the 4th Industrial Revolution when combined in the right hands? 

  • Big Data Analytics
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Compaction Technologies
  • Distributed Ledger

Big Technology companies have been freely exchanging the Human Identity and have been using surveillance capitalism to create a Human Identity slave trade.

Crowdpoint's mission is to unite these technologies to Democratize Big Data in order to Defend and Deliver dividends to YOU, for your Human Identity.

So what do I actually do? I am a distributor on Advanced Medicine Marketplace, on the Healthcare Exchange, buit on the Blockchain Ecosystem. I get to offer people high quality, vetted products and teach them about Advanced Medicine practices. When they buy from me, they get an added service. They get a chance to protect their privacy.

How? I onboard them onto the Blockchain, and they get to authorize their own digital identity, made by THEM for THEM. So they become the ones who decide who can use their data, and what parts of their data, and they get paid dividends for it. Your human identity is your most precious asset. Treat it like it is!  

Furthermore, our mission at Advanced Medicine Marketplace is to democratize healing, in order to protect your physical autonomy, defend your spiritual sovereignty, and empower the individual mind with knowledge and information to prevent humanity from ever being taken advantage of or victimized again!  

We do that by combining medical advances and scientific research with highly efficacious treatment modalities and wellness technologies.  

The remedies we find in nature are far more powerful than any Big Pharma solution that treats your symptoms only. At Advanced Medicine Marketplace we seek to treat the root of the problem, to create harmony by healing the mind, body and soul, likewise. The products and services offered on my online store are meant to enhance your body's ability to self heal and create optimal health for you and your family. 

Another reason why I'm passionate and excited about this journey is because I am able to introduce normal everyday people like me, who are working around the clock to make ends meet, to the incredible opportunities offered at the Blockchain Ecosystem. Whether you are a small business / mid business owner trying to get to the next level, or you are just looking to create a lifestyle with more freedom and less worries, you will find it here!

Are you ready to free yourself from the invisible digital shackles that bind you? Your personal onboarding onto the Blockchain is free with any purchase. Take back your health and control over your own Human Identity now! Learn more here!

Simona Balinisteanu
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