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3 Don'ts In Divorce | Jos Family Law

Jos family Law
3 Don'ts In Divorce | Jos Family Law

The current divorce rate in the United States is 50%. Unfortunately, most likely, the average person will experience a divorce in his or her lifetime. Here are three Don'ts in Divorce.


Do not expect the divorce to be better than the marriage.


Firstly do not expect the divorce to be better than the marriage. Marriage is easier to get into than to get out of it. Sometimes when a couple approaches the divorce process, they believe the divorce is going to be quick and easy. But if you had significant issues in your actual marriage, the divorce process only magnifies the issues you had in your marriage.


For instance, if you have communication issues in your marriage, you will most likely have communication issues in your divorce. Why? The process can be very painful. The hurt and anger can cause individuals to do things to hurt their partner. These emotions may make the divorce process worse.


Do not expect the divorce to be quick.


Secondly, do not expect your divorce to be quick. The average length of divorce in the US is reported at 1year. Unless you & your spouse have already agreed on the divorce & its terms at the beginning of it, it can take much longer than anyone expected. Depending on all the factors to a particular case, each part needs to be settled. Some couples cannot agree on how to settle the issues. In this case, a six-week divorce can quickly turn into a two-year divorce.


Do not forget the support system.


Third, do not forget the support system. The divorce process has intricate factors. Even if you do the divorce yourself, you still need to seek advice from an accomplished divorce attorney to ensure everything was handled correctly. The average person's support system includes the attorney, a financial person, friends, and family. Some include counselors. There are many resources out there. Make sure that you use them.


If you get into an unfortunate situation of dissolving your marriage, consideration to detail & willingness to fight for your rights are essential in getting started on a positive path toward your future. If you need an accomplished, dedicated, and inspiring lawyer to represent you, please call 1-714~733-7066, the law office of Jos Family Law, the top Santa Ana Divorce Attorney today.


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