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Working on disliking: how to see who disliked on YouTube

Working on disliking: how to see who disliked on YouTube

The "Like" marks are the most obvious indicator of your popularity and the demand for your content from social network users. However, in some social networks, such as YouTube, along with likes, there are also dislikes that you can buy at https://lowcostsmm.com/buy-youtube-dislikes/. And they have a role to play, too. Let's talk about that and how to see who disliked on YouTube in this article.

The role of disliking on YouTube videos

So what does a "downvote" affect? Actually, quite a few things. There are those who argue that dislikes are also activity, they help. But that's a moot point. And you can find out exactly why below.

- Unsubscribes slow down views. People often look specifically at the rating of the material before watching a video. Even if the user starts watching the video, he may close it because he will initially be skeptical of the post.

- Every "thumbs down" puts your video lower in the search results. On the plus side, of course, you won't get blocked for a huge amount of negative activity - it's just an expression of users' opinions about you and your content.

- The more dislikes, the more skepticism potential advertisers have - it's an indicator to them that your videos don't rank with your audience.

- When it comes to comments, the more likes and fewer negatives you have, the higher your opinion will be in the thread. Otherwise, no one will see it or pay attention

How do I dislike videos on YouTube?

Before we talk about how to see who disliked you, let's discuss how to do it in general. First, let's take the video itself.

Let's open up the material.

1. There are thumbs up and thumbs down icons next to the view counter. Click on "thumbs down.

2. The successful outcome of our endeavor is evidenced by the changing color of the icon.

How to disliking comments on YouTube

And now about the comment. And this point is, oddly enough, more important because we comment much more often than the post videos. And, if you want to omit an unwanted comment under your publication, you can just let the accrual of negative marks.

Scroll down to the desired comment.

- Find the thumb down icon.

- Click on it. On successful completion indicates a change in color of the icon.

Ways to see who disliked on Youtube

The administration of the social network does not provide an option that allows you to see a complete list of your "ill-wishers". And this is for the best, because this way the ratings you get are more objective. However, if you suddenly see on the Internet a software that supposedly allows you to see the desired, do not be fooled.

No software means this problem is not solved. Therefore, there are no specific ways to find out who's dislikes on YouTube, but you can hide the rating under the video, and then no one will see how many dislikes you have.

You can use your intuition and deduction. In any case, you can see those who liked or disliked your content in the comments or, if we're talking about the comments themselves, in the user feedback thread on your opinion.

You will also be interested to know the ways you can see the likes in Vibere.


So, we can not see who is giving us the dislikes. However, this is even better, because this way the received activity will be more objective - when the marks are anonymous, users are not embarrassed to share their opinion. So, unless, of course, you are not sure that a scam is working against you, pay attention to the number of downvotes in order to improve your content and move towards improving the quality of the videos you create.

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