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Popular Job-Oriented Courses That You Can Pursue Online

Education Service
Popular Job-Oriented Courses That You Can Pursue Online

Choosing a graduation or master's course after completing the high school or graduation program often seems confusing. By now, students must be aware of their strengths and weaknesses in academic subjects. One should always choose a subject in which they find great interest. Opting for a subject you do not like might be a big mistake as it determines the stream of your career.

Some popular courses students often take up are practical nursing programs, online master's in accounting/master's degree in accounting, and many more. However, students often want to take up a course that assures them a job offer soon after completing their graduation. Many colleges also promise complete placement opportunities to their students. However, you must keep in mind that your placement in any sector depends on your hard work and skills. 

Here are some popular job-oriented courses:


According to the World Health Organization, nurses make up the largest discipline of healthcare professionals globally and are responsible for providing critical care to patients. Nursing is the glue that holds a patient's healthcare journey together. The responsibilities of a nurse range from assisting in surgery to providing first aid in schools. All nurses need to complete a rigorous program of academic and practical studies to get their license. Some students studying practical nursing programs want to be Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) or Licensed Vocational Nurses (LVN). The key responsibilities of LPNs are:

  • To support the core health care team and work under the supervision of MDs.
  • Check for vital signs of the patient's health and inform the doctor regarding their improvement or deterioration of health.
  • Perform basic nursing functions like dressing up wounds and changing band-aids.
  • Make sure that patients are hydrated and well-fed.
  • May administer basic medicines with the permission of the doctor.


Accounting jobs vary from basic level accountant to executive accountant. Many students are opting for an online master's in accounting.  A master's degree in accounting ensures that you are well aware of the complex concepts of accounting. Every firm, company, and even the government hire qualified accountants who calculate the assets, liabilities and maintain other financial records. The undergraduate course of accounting comprises 3 years, and the master's degree program is 2 years.


Choosing law as a career option is a life-changing decision for many. A career in law ensures a good salary. The main aim of lawyers is to enforce the rules written in the constitution and help the country in its judiciary functions. The various types of law careers are:

  • Corporate lawyer
  • Law professor
  • Litigators
  • Administrative law officer
  • State-level or local level judge


The marketing industry is rapidly growing. Without proper marketing, a product will not get a proper audience response; hence, it plays a very important part in corporate sectors. The skills required to pursue marketing as a career are:

  • Communication Skills: One needs to be good at communicating, as this field requires communicating with customers in written or verbal modes.
  • Analytical Thinking Skills: This field requires a lot of study and research regarding the market trends to understand what the customers would like to consume as content.
  • Creative Skills: Marketers need to think of new, innovative ideas while launching their products. The idea should be fun and innovative.
  • Technology Skills: Using various data-based software to keep track of the campaigns using analytical software to research the market demands, marketers need to be skilled in technology.


It is rightly said that media can break or make the nation. Journalists use their creative skills of photography, writing, and video skills to cover important events that influence our daily life. Life without the media is simply not possible, so there is a huge scope of employment in this sector. The most important skill required to be a journalist is curiosity. Curiosity gives rise to various questions and ideas for new campaigns. Journalists also need to have good communication skills as this career path revolves around it.


A candidate must have exceptional academic records to be a professor. They are employed by various government and private colleges. Academicians need to complete a Ph.D. degree or be qualified for UGC Net exams. The salary that a professor receives is huge. However, a candidate needs to spend many years focusing on their particular field to become a professor finally. Apart from teaching, many professors also contribute to research papers.

Summing Up

There are vast career options you can choose from. However, you must make sure that you are interested in that particular field. The quality of the job you get depends on your skills and hard work. Dedicate yourself to your desired stream of study and set realistic goals for yourselves to bag the job of your dreams.

Education Service
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