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Key Trends in the Global Air Chain Hoist Market

Ashish Satpute
Key Trends in the Global Air Chain Hoist Market

Air Chain Hoists, often referred to as pneumatic hoists; utilize a motor powered by compressed air.

Air hoists are preferred for use in hazardous environments and where there are explosion proof requirements. They are also perfect for situations when electricity is not available in the work area.

NextWave Research Solutions  (www.nextwavers.com) is a leading market research company in Pune, India has prepared a report on the Global Air Chain Hoist market.


The following are the key excerpts from the report.

Key Trends

  • The demand for customized air chain hoists is increasing. Customers would like to get integrated in the engineering and development of the product. A major part of the revenue is made by project business, not standard sale and this number is continuously increasing.


  • The demand for high quality is increasing as well. Customers in the mining and Oil & Gas industry cannot risk down times or accidents. They would like to have a reliable product and are willing to invest a higher price.


  • Asset management will be a key role in the future. Big mining companies would not like to take care of their equipment management and will start to outsource the equipment management to third party companies.


  • Manufactures are combining air hoists with electrical gadgets to be able to deliver advantages from both (e.g. radio remote control, load cell, usage counter etc.)

Technological Advancements

  • Development of radio remote control for explosion proof areas for a reasonable price point. Already existing but the price is still too high.


  • More Air Chain Hoists will be used in the toughest industries (e.g. subsea - deep sea applications)


  • Fiber technology will have a big impact in the hoist market in general (e.g. dyneema rope in hoists and winches will replace chain in some applications) 


Abbas Naqvi, Director – Research, NextWave Research Solutions, www.nextwavers.com



Ashish Satpute
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